
Do you happen to know the story behind the unfortunate team in this article, specifically whether or not they were employed and insured? I was debating this issue with my husband when that first truck was rolled/crushed a few days ago, and his theory is that even if storm chasers work for a news organization, their

Could someone illuminate me on the Storm Chasing culture and phenom — is it most often a hobby, or an occupation?

Yes. I have a type of arthritis that affects the spine, and that mid-to-upper back area is the fricking worst. I get muscle spasms and stiffness there all the time. Our causes are probably not the same, but perhaps some of my remedies will help:

Agreed. But the comment I was replying to wasn't about whether a professional lapse by the attendant was punishable or made the employer liable, it was about whether such a professional lapse was conceivable. On a case by case basis, I say all professional lapses are conceivable and merit investigating.

Excellent. Hope you like red!

Is there no Open Thread tonight?? WTF. Perhaps you are unaware, Jezebel, but I have had wine and am stuck at home on a Friday night.

Hush your mouth about Mel Brooks!!

I was about to have a total nightmare... and then I recognized Finn in the eye socket. NOTHING CAN GO WRONG if Finn is already on that shit!!

This comment confuzzles me. I've never even heard of Perry's relationships, were you speaking of his Chandler character, or the actual actor?

Or, did you mean LICH? Wasn't there a lich? (Lick? I dunno, some old Egyptian guy).

No, there are certainly contextual and extenuating circumstances.

They usually have a noticeable accent, so I think that's certainly possible.

Older Chinese women regularly stop my sister to ask if her children "have Chinese in them", which is some pretty gross wording, but also technically accurate. If some racist seeming non-Asian person asked the same thing in an accosting tone (or worse, used any Asian-tinged racial slur) well, then the appropriate

Your version (sending her a script and then inviting her to come read or send in a tape) is plausible, but even that is far fetched.

My favorite story about awkward potty training convo:

How do you know that you never saw your mother nude?

Worth remembering, for context: it was not a "public, sue-able company" that was physically there to defend her. It was one, possibly timid and confrontation adverse, flight attendant.

What irks me here is the underlying belief that fantasizing about someone in your imagination actually defiles them in the real world. That your sexual fantasy is more powerful than his/her real life autonomy.

There's a lot of this weird coercion-impregnation erotica out there, too. Yuck.

(When I read this in my inbox, I had no damn clue what comment it was in reply to. I enjoy greatly that it was in reply to dry toast. The evilest breakfast food!!!)