
I have come to the conclusion that I am a Stealth Bitch.

WAIT: is she pregnant here, in the pic, where she's wearing the weird "my gloves totally match the pattern of my dress!" look that Kim K sported recently?

Heh. That's the thing, though, while I haven't studied her tuchus I'm sure it's great, yet it seems to be a little less successfully, um, showcased, compared to the one in the dress on the left, which is what made me question the high back in the first place.

I love her dress from the front, but the high waist of the back makes it look oddly like White Formal Mom Jeans.

It's ironic, given her occupation, but for some reason I just can't find Dita (the fictional brand and persona, not the actual woman who "plays" her) to be very sexy. Beautiful, stylish, elegant, strong, and impeccable, definitely. Mysterious and fragile, sure.

Happy to oblige! Also, I should say, in my 20s I also had gay men who were not fully "out" do this to me all the time so they had someone to flirt with and "chase" publicly at work to bolster their het claims, and while I understood their dilemma, I also resented it. I was single, they were gorgeous, and they must

If you're straight: have you ever been aggressively flirted with by a married man who has no intention of cheating, but craves the validation of confirmed sexual attraction from other women? He's essentially just a narcissistic tease who wants "fans" and adoration, but when it comes down to it will shake his head an

Can we also address the fact that "Romantic Comedy Star" is being held up as some height to which actresses should aspire?

My favorite Asian-American romantic comedy/dramedy:

Despite the fact that its name sounds like a Chinese food restaurant, the clinic she chose is AMAZING. I had a surgical procedure there last year. I'm going to use this thread as an opportunity to pimp them, in case any local women with cancer fears are reading:

Congrats! Six months "courting" before proposing is plenty long for some people, but will scare the hell outta others. Do you know which category your GF falls into? Has she given you indications that she is ready and eager to be proposed to?

Ha! Girl, you are describing my 30s. Top of my field but burned out, bored, wanting to move. Went on a trip to another country (the US), met Sexy Southern Guy, and within a year I left my job and sold my condo to move down south and give us a chance. Early problem: I made a very enviable living doing what I did

Random comment from internet stranger, but:

You are correct about the origins, but there are now two accepted definitions, due to the popular (if objectionable) use of the idiom.

Yes, I've changed, and I'm still changing. And If I could remain fertile into my 80s, I'd probably change a bunch more times in the decades to come. But, that may just be me: I firmly believe some wise people know they want/don't want kids at an early age, are correct, and never waiver. Motherhood has been more

Good question, I'd be curious about that. I have a feeling (based on diddly squat) that many uninsured women may avoid prenatal check up expenses, but still head to a hospital when labor hits.

According to the report, an estimated 11,300 newborns die on the day they are born each year, which is 50% more first-day deaths than all other industrialized countries combined.

I like this tradition, but only when you make it gender neutral. We both got one another little gifts to commemorate the day we met our kiddo, and also to mark the bittersweet passing of those great "just us" years.

That's really interesting, thank you for the link.

What the hell is at the root of that? Do they make any conjectures?