
I'm really confused by that, as well. This sounds like a close knit neighborhood — the abducted girls were apparently good friends with their captors children, and all lived within a few blocks. people in small communities GOSSIP, especially about anything as scandalous as mystery children and women banging on

I am ashamed to say that visiting the "Agrarian" section of the Williams Sonoma site, and daydreaming of bougie homesteading, is my afternoon happy place...

I have nothing to compare it to, but I really, really like Muay Thai.

Well, it's also possible that she hated the child for its parentage (in that hypothetical situation) and that attempting to murder her child was malicious, and the suicide attempt cowardly.

I'm trying to make sense of these two additional bits of information:

If it was a heart attack or something similar, I suspect that the stress of her missing child contributed to her death. Extra horrifying, and how hard life must have been for Amanda's sister the past decade, losing a mother and sister under such stressful circumstances over such a short span.

"... just because a chick decides she wants to do a porno... whatever her motivations for making the adult film may be... in making any of the adult material."

Ha, that's interesting, I'm only like that in shoes. Although, I found there was a big difference in how things fit me after having a kid, even after you've lost all the weight. Just one of those added joys, wasting money clothing your body as it tries to figure out its new size, sigh. (Congrats on the kiddo, btw.)

So an "L" is a 10?? That sounds so crazy. I think perhaps my perspective is skewed, because my grandmothers were obese (hate that term, but medically accurate in their case) and yet my parents are naturally underweight and diminutive, so my conception of "average/straight store" is everything that falls between

I'm always confused by sizing, for instance what is considered "plus" size (or "fat", for that matter) when it comes to non-specialty store sizes? Is there a cutoff the fashion industry has quasi agreed upon?

Makes sense, in Canada (at least when I lived there?) the term African Canadian isn't really popularized.

Hmmm. That depends. Was your marital issue cannibalism, by any chance?

That top is gorgeous. I personally would only wear a version without the ruffle, but that's because I couldn't rock it the way intended and instead I'd feel like this:

Can a fashion biz person help explain something to me, pretty plz?

This could of course just be normal, a natural low ebb etc. Yet, as I read your description, it sounds as if perhaps this is some psychological protection mechanism in response to that early, destructive sexual relationship. Sort of an unconscious "witholding" of your sexual connection, out of a desire to be more in

Well, clearly that's her sex toy bag.

Hi, just sending you some (hopefully) soothing info, because I've been there:

Eep, missed all that, thanks for the clarification. Still... She may not be at that stage per whatever her chronological age, but that letter read SO much like a diary entry of most of my more soulful friends in their youth that I'd say she still qualifies as being at "that stage" emotionally. That arrested

Oh, that's the feeling, exactly! It's like a verbal whiplash. iI find myself screwing my face up with concentration when on a call with her, because I'm breaking a sweat trying to catch up with the speed of bloody sound.