
Yeah, I'll agree with you on that. I hoped so hard this game would be good I ignored EVERY review and comment. I just wanted it so bad. Then I bought and played it... took it back the next day.

I dunno. I mean, wouldn't that be unfair. They do have a gun to their heads forcing them to read these free articles.

I do believe Nintendo has been quoted on saying they don't find Sony or Microsoft to be competitors. Take that as you will.

but SEGA does what Nintendon't

> hates childish things

More like a beat "it" up... amirite?

sic semper tyrannis

well, maybe it'll be fixed one day. Im still waiting for blizzard to bring back the void ray's speed boost upgrade for Starcraft 2. I was sad when that was taken.



and yet you're probably still doing the most damage

I agree with everything you're saying, but you might be putting too much thought into this. I think he just randomly spouts hate because he either finds it funny or just has nothing better to do.

you'd think the video game community would be open to people with different tastes and likes, but considering the general "attitude" of Halo and Madden bros I'm not too surprised at the hatred.

I believe theres a part of kotaku that is ONLY video games and that is Kotaku Core.

Its just another one of those moments where a few cry foul and make the rest of us look bad.

I have a few haters in my friend groups but it's always seemed like they do it because it causes a reaction. They may not like it but I don't think anybody really hates MLP. Probably just the rabid fans, but then again; who doesn't hate rabid fanatics from any topic.

I'm looking forward to Pony Kart. I really hope they finish that.

I've adopted the attitude that "If you're having a bad day just remember, some people are genuinely offended by multi coloured horses"

But SEGA does what Nintendon't