
I'm a fan of his. I loved Dewey Cox. The music made me laugh too. Guess it's not for everyone though.

I don't think it's that unfair of a comparison. Single player MW3 and single player Diablo3, i get 10x more game time out of D3. Multiplayer for both games I would say I'd get equal play time out of it as playing with others online is usually a lot of fun. The D3 co-op really gets you to appreciate your companions at

Yeah. There are enough unique snowflakes in the world. They can all go be different elsewhere. I'll be here having fun and not moping about not having a game to play.

No worries.

I guess my quote didn't come across like I intended it to. I meant to answer your question of ""why are these people proud of disliking D3" with "People are loud when the know the least".

I got 30 hours of play going through normal. How much did SP Modern Warfare 3 give us again?

People are so opinionated about things they don't even know what they're talking about

Hahaha, i know right. He thinks he'll stop

so few things do

If you’re having a bad day, just remember; some people are actually offended by cartoon ponies.

Love and Tolerate?


Isnt he working on some hidden project?

Now now, we can't condone suicide. I mean, imagine if everyone on the planet committed suicide because they saw something they didn't like. Where would the human race be then?

because art

And when the Nextbox or Ps4 do the tablet thing as well and everyone flocks to it's amazing ingenuity we get to experience the whole motion thing all over again.

There is a pretty cool one on the Facebook game center thing. :/

I would play that. However, you're under the assumption that Nintendo cares what we want.

Yeah. Screw people who like something I don't and then go out and make art about it. How dare they contribute to anything I like in a way I don't approve. We should host book burnings and belittle the way they think because they don't think like I do!

I would be all over a re-release or HD release or an anything release of this game. I've already purchased it twice but I've had the misfortune of losing my disks.