
Is this a joke? The PC Gaming Show was included in the Losers list? You guys are the losers for utterly ignoring it. They put on a great show and there were many interesting games and announcements. Bullshit, Kotaku. I love you guys but you guys ignoring the show and then shitting on it is nonsense.

Origin does and I think GoG does if you can’t get the game to run but the Nintendo eShop, PSN and XBL all don’t except in a few circumstances.

Hasn’t Origin offered something like this for a while? Not sure myself, but I thought they did.

Right? It’s shocking that a game made in Poland (which is basically 99% ‘white’ or ‘whitish’) based on a Polish authors work set in a middle age fantasy environment doesn’t have enough politically correct diversity.

“The game with all the white people”

I always thought that Postal 2 (I’ve never actually plaid it) was a satire on how much the audience just demands they need to kill stuff in a video game by giving you mundane tasks like buying milk... and then sitting back and waiting to see how long it took the average player to pick up the gun and go on a killing

It’s lovely. I actually got old gloomy Diablo vibes from it, but with a modern aesthetic overlayed. Imagine if the game had actually been something other than a cringefest?

No it was sensationalist. Especially the people at Polygon. How they tried to frame the developers of being fascist because they have read it on some Tumblr blog which was full of errors and even lies. Which in the end Polygon never corrected as well. Or how people went on that such a thing should not exist. I call

Yeah, i watched some video’s, and so far i haven’t seen anything that tops Gears of Wars chainsaw gun, just to name one thing that was much more bloody, messy and violent in a video game over the past 10 years.

The controversy over this game, was rather predictably, massively overwrought. The game really isn’t that big a deal at all. But no, let’s discuss how disgusting it is in loads of articles and drive sales for them. Makes sense.

You know, this game isn’t half as violent as I was expecting it to be.
It’s kinda really tame compared to other games *scratches head*

You have a year to get the free permanent update.

Why bother pulling that thread? In the 70s, 80s and early 90s Americans were downright OBSESSED with juiced up guys toting guns and blowing shit up.

Are you seriously bitching that you are getting free shit?

I loved that entire aspect of their ‘religion’. The idea that if people saw their blaze of glory leading into their death, that was what mattered. With such short lives, they probably strove simply to be remembered, to be noticed. Really powerful stuff.

Would it be a sexist? I thought that road goes both ways.

Is it bad that I don’t really see it as a feminist movie? I see it has a heroine-led movie with strong woman characters, but I guess I never see these things as feminist or.... masculist? movies? I’m not even sure there is an opposite for feminist.

Have watched any of the previous movies? I'd say BL borrows more from Max than vice versa.

Whta does Taylor Swift have to do with good music?

So what does this have to do with games?