Yannick, why doesn't every game have a photo mode? They should all have that, all of them. Can you contact all of the dev studios to let them know? Thanks pal!
Yannick, why doesn't every game have a photo mode? They should all have that, all of them. Can you contact all of the dev studios to let them know? Thanks pal!
Even though everywhere I've seen documentation about Vita Remote Play says that the Vita needs to be on the same network that the PS4 is plugged into, I was able to play on my Vita in Missouri while my PS4 remained in California with minimal lag. So it is definitely possible and is probably the most ideal situation…
Worst? Ruby and Sapphire were one of the best! The only problem I had was the berry glitch that would freeze time in-game.
I don't view them at fault, I view the entire incident as odd reporting.
Dark Souls is one of the few where I've messed around with the FPS toggle. It does make a difference. The only question is whether that difference is more important than all the fancy physics and lighting they can now cram into games.
Just to clear up one thing, there is no "motion blur trick". Motion blur exists because of the framerate itself. It's inherent. More frames would mean less blur. And it's not something that's anyone is trying to fix. We've had the capability to shoot at higher than 24 fps for a very long time. In fact, for quite a…
You should try reading the article and then commenting again.
I've been playing games in 1080p for years on my PC. I like the consoles, but I don't know why they can't just make them the way they should be. And gameplay performance is better than graphics in my opinion. I would much rather play a game at 60+ fps at 720p than a game at 30fps in 1080p if given the option. Luckily,…
How about that health system? Why's it suck?
Idunno, I kinda like it.
not in the list even though it says its in one of the videos..
A built in profile function to emulate they keyboard for games which don't support controllers.
Thanks my interest in this is higher now
I've been thinking on which model I want to pick up when it comes out in Europe, and I'm really feeling it towards the n3DS over the n3DSXL. The face plates and the Super Famicom/PAL SNES coloured buttons are two big ticks in its favour
I have this entire collection of screenshots of Shane looking like a doof. I'm convinced it's the sort of thing that only I think is funny, but, here:
Are they though?
Thank you so much man, I truly appreciate it.
You know, half of what you said was actually fairly useful, but then the other half went into opinionated, biased, tangential bullshit, and you lost me entirely. Bump mapping? Have you LOOKED at our Kickstarter? Our sprites are CLEARLY bump mapped, and they're also specularly highlighted. There's even a section…
Dink Smallwood was a little indie darling that deserved a lot more attention than it got back when it was first…