
It makes perfect sense to be weary that the game standalone could fall flat, due to the engine and resources they're using belonging to Bohemia, they'd have to start from scratch — unless, of course, Bohemia allowed them to use their resources still.

They're literally the same type of game. I guess you just like dayz more because... it has zombies and is more of a rolepaly scenario for zombies?

Meaning... Your fps was low, or latency was high?

Ah well. Arma and Dayz isn't for everyone, really. Arma's a fantastic game though, imo.

Don't knock it, 'til you try it. It's an alpha, and it really isn't ugly by an stretch. Buggy, yes.

That'd be quite brilliant, actually. It'd also beat the pulp out of any calorie counter app on the market, not to mention show you the true, horrendous side of motivation.

I definitely think it'd be interesting as an optional app and feature for the game. I'd use it.

Say you're at home, you're playing Human Element, you're out in the world, you get injured. You're hurt and you need medical supplies. You don't want to risk going out to forage in the game world, or maybe you did and can't find anything,—"

I purchased it January last year and it was $49.99 at the time. I've never seen Combined Operations (Arma 2 + Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead) hit as low as $20 in retail, unless it was on sale (which was usually through digital download anyway).

Should've phrased that better. It was $49.99 when I bought it, which was a little more than a year ago. The game dropped from that price to significantly less within this year, down to what it is now, $29.99.

Arma is amazing for all of the reasons listed, to me. It's not for everyone, which is fine. Not everything should be for everyone.

Not really. It's recently gone DOWN actually. Combined Ops was 49.99 retail a a little more than a year ago.

I completely agree on the comment system. I really don't enjoy it, but I guess I'm getting "accustomed" to it.

Hey! I love Deus Ex. :(

Yes. His opinion, which is also what a review is. Shocking, I know.

There's always The Guild series. I see someone else also mentioned the Majesty series.

I concur. I demand the continuation of the Dreamfall series!

It's about bloody time the next EP was released! I thought the eps would've been released monthly -.-.

Dat Dragon's Dogma. <3

Hopefully his employer's don't give him the shaft.