
It's still enjoyable on PS2. It's aged very well and cheap to pick up even with a PS2 these days.

No because they've flat out in laymans terms said that every game will allow you to play it right off the bat. No game will force you to be online just to play it. So if that ever changed they'd be going back on their word and lost a lot of integrity. You might have to be online to access certain features like

Before anybody flies off the handle, remember that no games require you to be online to play, so the only DRM they can implement is the same was what we currently have, online passes.

Requiring Plus for online isn't such a bad thing. Yeah it's a barrier, but if you have the money to buy a console and pay for internet, I'm sure you can afford the £2 a month or whatever it is to get up to 6 or 7 free games a month and online play. Bit of a bad move but I just can't fault them at the moment.

I hate saying it but Revelations and AC3 put me off the series entirely. It peaked at Brotherhood and it will continue to decrease in quality. I don't want a huge open world game, I just want big cities with lots of climbing to be done. AC1, AC2 and Brotherhood all managed that perfectly. Revelations did to a degree

Aww I was initially really excited when I saw this... I don't generally play driving/racing games at all but this piqued my interest, shame the always online has to ruin it. That wouldn't have even been a huge issue (though I am totally against it and refuse to support any product that endorses it), but the fact it

I'm guessing I'm gonna have to upgrade my old iPhone 4 now...?

I still don't believe this 'cloud computing' thing even exists.

£429 for UK? What a fucking joke. Not that I was ever going to purchase this console but I believe that price is going to put a lot more people off as well. How ridiculous, what is with the discrepancy between the prices in different countries?

I can't wait until Friday! I'm going away for a week on Wednesday so I'm going to go somewhere with free wifi and get it from the eShop. ARGHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

If common sense is anything to go by I don't see why he wouldn't win. If he had a contract with THQ to have full control then surely when Ubisoft took it on they'd be bound by the same contract? Not that I'm a legal expert....

It saddens me that it'll still probably sell bucketloads because too many people just won't care how much they're being fucked up the arse. It doesn't matter if you have internet, have no friends to lend/borrow games or whatever, the fact of the matter is these restrictions ARE anti-consumer. After all the problems

I don't like these comparisons with other mediums because that doesn't mean it's fair. For as long as I've been gaming, almost 15 years or so, my whole gaming life has been built on borrowing games off friends and lending the few I get that they don't. If I wanted to lend someone a song, I could lend them a CD or make

I remember reading years ago that Sega (I think?) own the patent to an arrow pointing you to your destination in games (in the style of Crazy Taxi). Makes sense when you realise how few games have that feature.

From what I've read, they have not fixed it... but you can now buy grass seed or something to fix up the dead areas. I'd rather they just got rid of it altogether like you said. Being punished for running is mean.

I thought such long gaps between release dates died years ago. 4 months between Japan and the West? Not good SE... Not good.

That's a bit dickish of them when we all know the ARE going to remove the 8GB one from sale. Don't tell people they can still buy them when they're just going to be wasting their money.

I'm getting this for free because I bought three of the games from the Nintendo promotion here in the UK; Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (for my brother, I tried it, it's boring). I just pray they email me the download code ASAP because I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GAME ARGHJHERHEBGE

I'm inclined to think it'll be it's own channel. Browser based would be too cumbersome and annoying.

I watched a friend play that game and... it was awful. The most awkward and clumsy game I had ever seen. It was like a cross between Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing and Silent Hill... So bizarre.