
I mean, I think political correctness has gotten out of hand in some aspects. I know people who won’t describe people as black or whatever because they don’t know what the correct term is to use anymore (usually older people like my mother, hint: the correct term is black). But I think our biggest issue in terms of

Your off the cuff comment about a Skyrim and Fallout crossover is now the game I never realised I wanted.

I am extremely glad I stopped playing before the first DLC dropped. I think I saw through it early enough to avoid wasting £40 on 2 vacant pieces of DLC and this current £40 shit storm.

Because it's an arbitrary block for players. It isn't a big deal, but its a block nonetheless... It would have been bound to affect some people in a negative way, for no reason.

Quite a lot of people... If your TV is on a TV stand, it is most likely quite low down.

It's not really a 'new' adventure if its... an old adventure.

I love Final Fantasy but I've never liked his art style. I find his characters too slender and disproportionate. Also his art always looks really messy I find.

did you play it with your eyes closed? It's a brilliant MMORPG. Especially now it's had 2 major updates.

I want Golden Sun on my 3DS for fuck sake. I know the weird issues with 3DS emulation but dammit Nintendo work harder.

Brotherhood was the best in the series, you missed out. It was like the definitive Assassin's Creed.

'Leaked' I'm sure. Isn't every AC game announced around this time of year? If not, it's definitely about time the next one was announced. Expect a press release this week or next and then months of hype and hours of disappointment.

From what I've read I don't think it does support remote play, but I haven't read anything concrete. I'd like to know if it does or not.

What's the motion sickness like on the OR? Wouldn't it be disorientating when Link rolls?

His speech is really slurred and weird, and he sounds like he has a blocked nose. It's very distracting, if you don't pay attention, his words just blend together.

I manage all endgame stuff just fine on PS3!

Can I (someone from the UK) purchase the PS+ card from BestBuy and use it here on my EU account?

I got the previous two entries during sales at very good prices, and for what I paid, I got my 60ish hours worth of fun from each of them. I think I'll miss this one entirely though. I wish they put the time and money into something decent. One of the most critically panned games in the series did not need more direct

I've owned a Vita for nearly a year now but I haven't purchased any physical games for it because I'm poor and I have PS+. However, up until this week I hadn't played a single game on my Vita because I couldn't afford a fucking memory card. I still only have a 4GB one so I can only play/install about 2 games maximum

Assassins Creed 1 has a game stopping bug right near the end which stopped me from completing it. As the game autosaves, if you turn it off in some area near the end (it's like a winding path between hills with one of the main antagonists at an encampment near the end), when you load it back up again, you're trapped

I agree with you. My biggest problem was that the first battle I encountered in the world map was really difficult. All my characters died and I figured this game is confusing (brave/default system) and not for me.