
I'm not sure to be honest. I think the Gamecube one sold well. Well enough that they built a series of 6 games around it, but ever since the Wii game (Crystal Bearers) was released 5 years ago, there hasn't been a single mention of the series.

I only ever played the Gamecube one and My Life as a King (which I loved despite it's difficulty, towards the end my heroes never had time to finish dungeons and do the extra hard ones). I would just like to hear some kind of update on the series. I wonder if it's been completely abandoned, I hope it makes a return :(

Was happy to see a Crystal Chronicles mention in there. I dream of the day they announce a 3DS remake of the original Gamecube game (with online multiplayer).

You're all over this.

Nope, nobody but an ambassador can play any GBA games on their 3DS and still only the 10 or so Nintendo first released. I am desperate for GBA games on the eShop :(

Pissed we have to wait til March, I just want to play it already.

Someone should get all these people in touch so they can swap and get what they wanted. Then shoot them.

Does the game support cross-buy or remote play on Vita?

Feeling the love for Crystal Chronicles. I hope they revisit that series. The 3DS is crying for a port of the original.

Your insulting patronising aside, you make a point. When I said it brought nothing new, I stand by that point. To me, different forms of ghosts don't mean much, that'd be a given in a sequel. The game didn't try hard to actually bring anything exciting and worthwhile to the game. The multiplayer was fun, I'll give it

I'm gonna say it. I don't know why Luigi's Mansion 2 is on that list. It's really nothing special, brought nothing new to the series (if it can be called that with only two games), and if anything was a step back from the first one. I really don't reccomend getting that game. I played to the end of the third mansion

Hehehe. Mewwiweather. Pawachute. Fwend. Pwologue.

Zavvi are shit. They flat out refuse to send out preorders early to ensure they arrive on release date like every other retailer. I preordered Kingdom Hearts 1.5 from them months before release and then the day before release noticed it still hadnt been dispatched. I called up, was told itd be sent tomorrow (release

I have yet to play Black Flag, and the pirate premise intrigues me, but I seriously don't want the whole series to go in that direction... one game is enough. I'm worried they're seriously considering just making Assassin's Creed all about boats and pirates in future games...

Non-issue of the day award.

I figure games like Skyrim are open world. You can just go anywhere and do whatever you like at any point but are still loosely tied to a single direction through the main missions/storyline.

My password got reset on Thursday, but when I went to recover it, it said that the birthdate I was entering was incorrect. That can't be right because when I made the account I was old enough as per their terms and conditions or whatever, so I would have had no reason to put a fake birthdate. And for something as

I worked at McDonalds 7 years ago, I said it was my first job, not my last job.

I'm not saying they shouldn't do it... I'm saying it's pathetic. Do it if you want, I just don't consider it a worthwhile thing to be doing.

This is exactly what I meant. I have no problems with people wanting to sit on their arse and play games all day, since I stopped working, I've loved doing just that. But it should not be rewarded in a way that enables it to become a viable way of making a living. I get that people need entertainment, so by all means,