
Can you PLEASE remove related articles from smack bang in the middle of the article? It's, INFURIATINGLY distracting.

Is Dark Souls a lot better than Demon's Souls? I'm currently playing Demon's Souls and can't say I'm enjoying it too much. I like the concept, but it's a bit too drab and dreary and I just don't really have a great sense of what I'm doing other than killing things. Is Dark Souls much different?

I went through a phase of achievement hunting, but I only aced 5 relatively easy-achievement games (Oblivion, Lost AC2 are a few I remember. I traded in my 360 for a PS3 and it feels a bit annoying having only a few trophies, especially seeing so many games at just 1% (some of which will forever stay that way). I just

Whatever happened to that iOS game that was like a clone of Wind Waker (it actually looked pretty good).

Nintendo should either make a special episode of the cartoon where they go to some weird parallel universe where some of these are real OR make some crazy game where the same thing happens, like Pokemon Blue/Red in a parellel universe. Failing that, there's definitley potential somewhere here, shame it'll never get

That is pretty cheap! If this were Square Enix each individual case would be $17.

This thing is £60 (maybe even £65, can't remember) to pre-order on the PS Store... What the actual fuck.

Umm for people complaining they're nowhere near you... at least you live in the right country. Little ol UK gets nothing.

Just give me my Chao Garden back please.

That was the biggest fucking conspiracy. You're so right (I don't mean to sound sarcastic). Nobody in their right mind can disagree that online passes were only abolished because of this new DRM thing. They're all in cahoots and we all know it.

Is it me, or is there no distracting related article in the middle of this article?! PRAISE BE!!

I can't say I ever noticed the isolation theme of which you speak, maybe it was there, but I don't think it's as important as you've just made out.

You can't do anything though... You can open the home menu and look at it. To open anything else you have to close the game you're on, not keeping progress. If that's impressive then you can do that on PS3 and 360 to an extent too?

And the DS was, and the 3DS...

I really don't believe this new Kinect can detect individual photons...

Can't beat some old Butterape.

Iwata is too stiff. It's like someone stuck sheets of metal inside his suit.

I first played when I was about 7 or 8, and it wasn't until the age of 14ish I fully understood the draw/junction system, and when I did, I found it to be one of the best systems from a Final Fantasy game. If you used it well it made the game so easy to win. 100 deaths junction to attack? EASY battles.

Have you tried reading articles on your phone! It's even worse! Each time a 'related article' pops up, it makes me think I've reached the end of the article, and then at the REAL bottom of the article, there's even MORE related articles of a different style and font, and below about five of them are the comments, it's

I would get it but I know it's going to cost an arm and a leg.