
Hardly bitching. I'm just saying I wanted a multiplayer poker game and thought this would have been one.

I see what you mean, it was my fault for not reading the description properly - I just assumed it would have online play. The first one came free with my prepurchase, I gave it a little go but I'm not really into all the games the characters are from so it doesn't really appeal to me in that sense. I just wanted an

I prebought this on Steam the other day and should have read the description properly. I assumed it would be online because... Why wouldn't it? Who wants to play Poker against (most likely cheating) CPU... Wasted my money there!

Fuck these guys.

I thought this was going to be a story about an extreme Atheist didn't want to be forced to fake baptised. But no, it was even more retarded.

I really really REALLY hope it's GBA games in the eShop. If not I'm chucking my 3DS XL in a river.

You sound very matter of fact. I hope you're right.

I'm a little disappointed. I really enjoyed Skyrim, I completed the main questline and clocked about 90 hours with that and the Dawnguard DLC, but that DLC was just... awful. The Soul Cairn was the most drab and dull place ever added to a game and having to go to it was mental torture.

They made such a big deal of launching The Sims Social too. It's only been going two years or so.

Aww it's like the end of an era. I remember back when I was at school, getting my uniform in the morning and packing my bag I'd load up the weather channel, check some of the news and vote on the voting channel and check the results etc... Good times.

Wrong, wrong and, oh yeah, wrong. I have a 3DS XL, a nice blue one with which I am currently playing through Luigi's Mansion 2. I have stated numerous times, I religiously check the eShop every Thursday afternoon hoping to see something worthwhile, and I never have. Thankyou for your time.

Yeah I know that. I read that the reason they're not for everyone is because the 3DS architecture doesn't allow for easy GBA emulation, but I don't believe that. It might not be easy, but they proved they can do it, and so they should be doing it.

How big is this game? I'm susprised it's being released as an arcade title when it looks like something that could have passed as Far Cry 4.

No I was being hypberbolic. But I'm still not a fan of it. None of the indie games appeal to me. I've tried various demos, but they're not my kind of thing. I want all the old games that I used to play. I want to be able to play Golden Sun from the GBA, or some of the old Pokemon games, or the classic Super Nintendo

I check it every Thursday when new stuff is released... I've never purchased anything. It's all obscure GameBoy games that nobody played or unappealing VC releases.

This stupid eShop is the biggest letdown in Nintendo history. They never put anything fucking decent on there. Where's all the old school Zelda or Mario games? Where's all my GBA games? Where are the reasonanly priced 3DS game downloads?

They couldn't have at least made them interact with the game in any way? Not even a code to enter or ANYTHING...?

Is there any reason why Rocksteady aren't doing it?

I felt the sweet spot was better in the XL. I've got an XL, my bro has a small one. I can't stand playing on his.

I enjoyed the game, but not as much as most others it seems. I never even watched any of the trailers or E3 footage, I just enjoyed the first two, heard this was going to be spectacular, so I pre-ordered it on that alone. The story was good, it reminded me of Lost, and I loved Lost, so that was nice, but other than