
No doubt about it it's wrong, but I'd still take advantage. Nothing like getting something for nothing.

I couldn't be bothered to read the whole article (cameras for consoles bore me) but how is this different from Kinect?

I really don't like the text boxes and fonts and menu designs they use for their iOS iterations. They're so ugly.

Their first mistake was buying the game.

I am actually really excited to play this game. I'n hoping ShopTo will deliver it early (no email about a despatch yet though!) I was also hoping this would have DLC. I'd love for them to release new mansions, that's something I'd happily pay for, but I haven't heard anything to suggest this.

I'm just not excited. Assassin's Creed is the only game series I have ever fully bought into (minus the games for systems I do not own, aka Vita/DS), and I have loved it up until very recently. I've bought every game on release day (something I never do, I usually get all my games second hand months after release),

I still have my 10 year old account I made when I was 11. I log onto it once every 4 or 5 months or so just to check its still there. I had a lot of gold and a lot of valuables, so I think part of me is waiting for that day something I own ends up being work thousands in real money and I can sell it and make a little

I didn't mind the first two, both were alright but nothing too great I thought. The concept and story was great but I found them both a little short and a little of a chore to get through. However, I on a whim decided to pre-order this one last night and it was despatched today, and I'm pretty excited to play it. I

Ah yes, I forgot translators were huge fans of my posts. I should have anticipated this. And yes, I should have also done my research! Because people ALWAYS do that before they complain about something! I am clearly of the minority here. Excuse me for wanting something sooner than it is released. I must have been

Ok, thanks for letting me know. Sorry I was so ignorant to not know that, what, being a support worker and all, fyou'd think I'd know how games are made! How stupid of me for being so ignorant.

But there's only a limited amount of text. I know translation is tough, but if you know the language, you know the language? You know what I mean? And with surely 8-12 people (probably) working on the translation process, I can't see how it takes like 8-10 months.

I wish Nintendo didn't take so long to release it in the West. They do so well with other games (for the most part) in terms of simultaneous releases, why not Animal Crossing? I know it's a text heavy game but it wouldn't be impossible to bring it to us sooner :(

Didn't we all know this would be shit? Should have made it an arcade title rather than a full release. (Unless it is, in which case my mistake).

I'm getting very tempted to get a Vita at the moment. I'd mostly just use it as a Final Fantasy machine as I'd just download FF8, FF9, 10 and 10-2 and not use it for much else, but I love these games so much and I'd be happy to pay £150ish for such a thing.

No, I at least expected it to top 5. 6 doesn't top anything. Excpect maybe famine. It's slightly better than famine.

I hated it. I wasn't a fan of the original RE games (the early ones, PS1 era), so I loved the action orientated combat more than anyone introduced in RE4 onwards, but RE6 was just shit. I found no redeeming qualities whatsoever in that game. I finished it, and now it just sits on my shelf collecting dust. The story

Shame nothing can improve the god-awful travesty that is Resident Evil 6. Nothing.

I recently started playing Civ 5, and I do enjoy it, but I don't think I'm getting the most I can out of it. For some reason, the scenarios don't appeal to me, online is slow and clunky, and so the only thing I do on it is play single player against the CPU over and over again. Are the scenarios worth it? Am I missing

They've slowly been phasing out all FF references in my opinion. The characters have been dissapearing. I think it's because when they started the series, they wanted to us FF characters to boost its potential and get it noticed, and then as the series has gained momentum, they've expanded on all the original areas

Wow you made points I hadn't even thought of. I forgot all about Vidic.