also ADS doesn’t make sense according to the lore. their guns are always smart-linked to their visor so ADS doesn’t make sense in Halo at all.
also ADS doesn’t make sense according to the lore. their guns are always smart-linked to their visor so ADS doesn’t make sense in Halo at all.
When the matches are close? It is a lot of tense fun. I have been enjoying it for the most part. The matchmaking seems a bit better, so it keeps close teams together. But I have still had quite a few 20k to 9k matches where it is just a steamroll.
How did you feel about Big K.R.I.T. - Cadillactica? One of my favourite hip hop albums this year.
If you want someone to add, you can add me. My gamertag is Ninjapilgrim on PS4. As a foster parent and husband, I also don't have too much time to grind on a game that you can't pause, so I can only get on it when I know I have a block of uninterrupted time (also known as when my wife can give me a break and take…
I'd say you can join me, but really, I won't. It wouldn't do you any good anyway since it won't get you legendaries any quicker.
I'm stuck at level 20, and definitely having the same problem. I can never find anything legendary to get me to any higher levels. So I'd be up for a fireteam member...considering I can also find time to grind.
I have a lvl 27 warlock and a hunter I'm working on ATM. I need people I can do heroics and raids with. Maybe nightfall too. You or anyone else needs a PS4 peep to run with, add NachtDragon
There was only two armor pieces you could get from that event anyways. You didn't miss anything.
In my knowledge, there are two ways you can proceed. They are kinda similar though. Either level up on your Vanguard&Crucible rank or join a faction (Dead Orbit, New Monarchy or Future War Cult) and rank up their. When you get up to rank 2 (legendary weapons @ rank 3) in either V&C or a faction, you can buy…
I'm in the same boat, school/work/socializing take up a lot of my time, but I still love to play this game (notwithstanding the lack of people i can consistently play with). If you (or anyone else reading this) needs a fireteam member on PS4 my psn is "dargon_lover" — and if it matters, I'm a level 27 hunter.
I'm sure other people have responded by now. But what I don't get is the hesitancy some people have towards you know, actually Buying armor. Get your Vanguard, Crucible, and/or faction rank up and buy something with those marks! Earn a "free" legendary for every rank you get at 3 and above.
you could join our clan, look up breakfast clan on we are all on periodically, many of us also school and work but we enjoy assisting people in the final boss of the game (the grind to 30) psnid for me is jazzman4824
I was in a similar situation. I finally made it to 27 last week. Here's the deal though. It ain't going to fall in your lap just by hoping for random drops. I've played on average 5 crucible matches a night after work and gotten the max 100 marks each week for two weeks to save up for FWC gear. I also had to grind rep…
PSN: eljayson. Let's blow some stuff up.
add isnipeweirdxD, my clan always do the glass raid or strike mission. I have two of my character all exotic and legendary for them. So i have time to help you out.