
This is an accurate description of destiny year two pvp play. I became a major destiny addict over the past couple months. Between trials, trying to get a fatebringer, and iron banner, I haven’t really put the game down for 4 straight months.

This deserves all the stars in the world. Also, no J. Cole?

During senior year of high school I mixed Godiva Chocolate Liqueur mixed with an Arizona half pink lemonade and half iced tea. I was so drunk.


Added, thanks!

I added you!

I added you

added you lol


added you!

added you

Couldn't find you on here for whatever reason..

Added lol


Added :D

I couldn't find you, your name did not come up lol

what is your PSN name then? lol

Yeah, a lot of my free time ends up going to the Gf which is not really something to complain about haha.

Wow that is a lot haha. I wish I could get my Gf into games, it's impossible though. You did all those missions and never got the ship?!

Great, I'll add you tonight :D