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    Same here, I have a few friends that play guitar and they are always down to give me a 30 minute lesson when we chill. I convinced one to let me borrow a bass guitar to practice my form and develop muscle memory, now we practice every time I see them!

    My solution was to use the option "hide desktop icons" and download a tool bar ( i use rocket dock since its free and pretty sweet), that way I can still download and drag stuff onto my desktop and access it via explorer but I never have to deal with those nasty cluttered desktops (my real desk top is messy enough as

    Might be a dorm? College kids can be weird (fingernails) ordering a tv online (dorm room swag) and the kitchen is usually right by the door (where people also leave their shoes)!

    Wow I can't believe my mouse won :) It really is nice, it's got a good heft to it, and curve as well. Great connectivity and works well on a variety of surfaces. The recharging dock is great too. But damn if that thumb in curve doesn't kill your hand after a few weeks of heavy click gaming!

    I have to dissagree. The game is enormous and beautiful in its own right. But with the API bethesda provides, people the world over get to take a crack at what they think could be better.

    This is what listening to the lunar landing on the radio must have been like. <3

    I, Freaking, Lorve my droid Incredible. It's got such a huge modding and ROM comunity that I'm running Jelly Bean on this 2.5 year old device! The trackball, the camera, the size, it's the perfect phone for me, I just wish I could stick some better guts in it as time passes and keep my lovely phone.

    I'll show you an 18-inch dark night..

    You do realize you asked his question on kotaku right?

    No Notch, Steve is a dude, whats wrong with that? He's got a beard and everything. There's a reason getting new skins is so easy.

    Why do you think they capture you and keep you in jail no matter how many times you try to break out? They're waiting till Link's jewels drop so they can milk him for all he's worth (literally!)

    Are they really gonna make a different proprietary plug? Not only does that mean they are breaking that micro usb rule still, but not a single old ipod accesory will work with these.

    <3 atleast it wasn't lost on everyone, your laugh made my morning for some reason.

    There are quite a few solutions you could employ i would think. There's wireless external drives you can throw stuff onto when you need to put them away quickly. Also buying an inexpensive hardrive rack (ive seen a few on newegg) and just adding another 1 or 2TB HHD when you need more space would keep all of your

    Even more interesting is the cloud of insect parts in a 7" radius around the zapper which can contaminate breathing air and food!

    "You want wiggle room? I'll give you wiggle room. Wiggle wigle wuh wiggle wigle wuh"

    Thnx for screaming that out, I thought I was going mad :P

    It's not that hard: Ctrl+A then hit Delete ;)

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only reason you should use IE is to download firefox.

    laboratory #stopmakingwordsup