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    A star for you! Looked at the comments and thought I was the only one to remember. Kids these days...

    Hey I'm gonna suggest what might seem like a witch doctor's prescription.
    Try making a new profile on your computer, and try before installing or logging into anything else to get fallout running.
    This has fixed a few games for me that for no reason and no matter what fix I try just won't start up.
    Might (read: probably)

    Wasn't that the same story in Godzilla? Tons of radioactive energy in early earth so creatures grew huge, powerful, and developed an appetite for said energy.

    Not feelin it.. Tanks, mechs, planes, base, diff planets... whats new?

    Oh god I had a good one last night! Too bad I didn't snag a pic but I'll explain it:

    Secret Santa at work, this chick listed she liked honey and candles.

    I guess when your job is rescue missions not so much but a hand reaching out to me in the dark while exploring a sunken ship would mean me reaching for my harpoon to take out the Zombie stat.

    Actually, I have also found Pandora pretty narrow minded once I start adding suggestions to radios,

    Isn't personification of inanimate objects a basic human reaction? We project human emotions on house pets, we give our cars and boats names and care for them, the list goes on.

    Wish I'd been there when they were filming. I'd be the Nelson from the Simpson's type "HAAAAHAAWW" in the background of one of the clips.

    Alright just what this game needed... a 'woohoo' rocket!

    lmao, thank you for that

    Aw thnx, I love this one!

    Thank you! I was going to talk about that damn shark too. Between that and the gobies (is that what the fish are called in Mario?) I'm terrified of video game water!

    Have you tried Dungeon Defenders? It's a pretty looking, online, tower defense RPG.

    lmao technically you could jimmyrig one of those lego robots thar turn when they hit a wall to a vacuum and get something similar. The point is you can say you own the $900 vaccuum robot!

    Probably gonna get banned for this, but did anyone else read 'black'? Edgy title there giz!

    Wouldn't it be great if the Surface had NFC to communicate with their touch screen tables? Why does it always feel like the future is just around the corner?!

    The Cosmos series is my pc case wet dream. I can't wait to upgrade to it this holiday season!!

    Sounds about right ^. He obviously hasn't played minecraft ;)

    Oh god, you made this morning a brighter one ;D