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    Mario can talk, remember the 8 minute spiel on the nintendo 3ds? Take my word, you do not want him uttering more than 2 second sound clips. Link on the other hand? Totally mute/deaf, he can scream, but that's about it.

    I hope they don't get sued for making a "cool" product cause Apple's got dibs on that ish ya know.

    I don't know if I can link to spotofy on here, but there is an awesome Metal cover of the boss song from this game. I still love this game (although the only way to play is with a emulator sped up 10x to make battlefields bearable) but I still fondly remember that one ice town, and the useless sage that keeps flying

    People with lupus, or gingers..

    Can't wait till someone uses 3d printing to make a hyper effective heatsink for CPU's, I've seen them do it with car radiators, when do we get some lovin??!!

    I like that idea a lot thank you! We definitely learned a lot since this was our first year. I can't wait to put it to use for us the next Roo!

    Yeah that sucks, and absolutely they should have an "are you sure?" system in place, like press the button twice with a 2 sec delay before it pops back up, and even more absolutely, that "can't change your vote if its meaningful" rule is ridiculous. But we can't place the blame on her, 71 other a holes voted for it

    D'awww! somethwing about my wazer wifle!

    Went to Roo this year, and I found a write up for making your own flagpole. It was awesome the first 2 nights, then when we had memorized the layout we just brought it with us to the stages area!

    There's a reply button for the story itself, right above all the comments.

    "Bout to turn Ghom into chewing ghom" Definitely using that one tonight!

    Boiling water huh? How does it affect regular grass? I'm not asking if I can just douse my whole yard in boiling water (talk about a weekend project) but will the grass near my brick paved weed riddled area suffer?

    Everybody calm down, odds of them calling it the xbox 720 are about as high as for nintendo calling the gamecube the Nintendo 128.

    You could have said the floor behind the guy playing was made of Jello, that would have been a better excuse than "a hole on the stage" for the shaky-cam treatment.

    I grabbed one of these when I got the newegg newsletter this morning, i've always wanted to try some wireless earphones and this one is a recognizable brand and 70% off msrp!

    I wish I could upvote the first comment. Farmville, really kotaku?

    So I had a problem, I need my smoke breaks, but my gaming desktop is in my room inside. This was really killing my leveling rate so I was determined to get it working outside.

    But then the people you do want following you can't re-tweet you.

    Wasn't there some article about how a 4GB HDD won't let you play some games online? Kotaku, you should take this deal down, it's kind of a rip off.

    3 years? Way to go! Thas nothin.