Google isn’t “dreaming”: It’s showing us what reality is!!!
Google isn’t “dreaming”: It’s showing us what reality is!!!
Gotta admire Japanese people for trying things out of their confort zone... and everyone else’s confort zone for that matter. I think it was disturbingly funny.
Well... under the right hands PUDGE can be a bit of a pain in the butt too... let him get heaps early on and you are gonna have a baaad time. I’ve some of them get to 6K health with insane attack, but they are not unkillable. You need teamwork and disables. However, if they are unkillable in 4v1, you may have a bit of…
HAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hahahahaha.... haaaaaaaaa.... DOTA2. =^.^=
JUST DO IT! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday you said you wouldn’t do it. Now JUST DO IT!! DOOOOOOO IT!!!
What about Bloodstained Ritual? I think it closed a bit over 5.5 mill (although part of it was contributed via Paypal).
I’d like to know the translation to the lyrics. That song sounds like fun.
“Am I gonna need a safeword?” <— You know it’ll be fun when...
This still looks like a proof of concept. We all know that robots will realize that our flimsy metal swords are not the best weapon to terrorize us. That’s when they’ll develop the laser saber we have wanted but been unable to develop.
Full disclosure: I used to pirate games when I was (way) younger and didn’t have any money. Now I have bought pretty much every game I ever pirated (man, that Steam library is big, growing, and I don’t think I’ve installed 10% of them. Plus all the DRM free, and physical copies), even if my pirate copy is still at…
Elections should be resolved by this: Instead of having people voting, they play this. Whichever party gets bigger at the end, wins the election. (So smaller parties have a chance if a bigger party has too much infighting, etc. And people would participate more)
There’s no elevator. You have to climb the cables while the nyan cat music plays and there’s a pool of orange juice at the bottom if you fall. Not sexual unless you’re into that stuff.
You forgot the similarity that they both generated enough profits for their companies that you could fill a few dozen olimpic pools with cocaine and hookers, so there’s that. They might not be Citizen Kane or Bioshock, but they did get the money, which means that they must be doing something right. Most likely, giving…
Yeah... MW was kinda limited, and the helicopter would pretty much ruin the pace of the game, and MW2 was hacked to oblivion, so they totally sucked at multiplayer after a while. However, if you ever have a few hours, you might give the story mode a try. Allow yourself to enjoy it like the interactive movie that it is…
I’m a bit shocked by this article. I mean... I LOVED the story told in MW2. From the first time I played the campaign it really resonated with me in many moments. I don’t think I missed anything you mentioned to be worthwhile, and also I can tell you that I still remember the look on the eyes of the guy you stab (on…
Kinda like Injustice, but with something on the vein of “The Cabin in the Woods”. OMFG!! I’d love to see a sorcerer kind of Anabell doll fighting Voodo Chucky!!!! Oh my... I didn’t know I wanted this so bad >_<!!!
Remeber that expensive DLC that gave you a horse on Skyrim? Well... at least this one is free ^_^
So... Phantom Assassin on steroids (blink to an apponent), Ember Spirit (travel to remnants to get back from the base) and Weaver (Timelapse) all rolled into one. Because at this point... why not?
Man... remember how DOTA2 had a 1 mill. prize pool WHILE IN BETA :D!!? That was awesome. So yeah... finally Blizzard has come around to get a piece of that sports-tv cake.