As Squall Lionheart would sum it up:
As Squall Lionheart would sum it up:
Man... to think that I’ve seen most of the older movies mentioned along with my dad when I was just a gradeschooler, and most modern ones, I realize that I love these. Not because I feel atracted to violence, but exactly because of the oposite. My father taught me to respect bravery, honor, commitment and defending…
I should’ve read further down the comments before posting mine... I just talked about Garou because of exactly the same reasons. Well balanced and fun. Anyway, you got me thinking... what would happen if you could combine BOTH systems in a game but like this: If you “Just Defend” you get no chip damage and can faster…
I kinda expected to see a mention of the “Just Defend” system from “Garou: Mark of the Wolves” as it is what I think SNK’s answer to Capcom’s parry, although you could say it’s not as riskier. The thing is that if you defended just as the attack is about to hit, you would not only avoid chip damage, or recover faster…
And harrass a motor company from time to time.
Man.... You gotta play at least once against a good Techies player at least once. I play Teemo most of the times I play LoL, but I have to tell you he doesn’t light a candle to Techies on the paranoia front. Imagine that the mushrooms were not only invisible, but instead of slowing you down and doing damage over time,…
Another officer: He’s coming right for us!!!
Apparently, Dota’s map is way larger, so yeah :P
Not really... Ashe’s Ult hits only heroes and has AoE stun+ slow. Mirana’s arrow hit the first unit on it’s path (if it’s a creep/minion she always whines about it “Son of a—”, which is funny :P) has no AoE and the length of the stun and damage is proportional to the travel distance (so if you hit somebody next to…
I play both, League Of Legends and DOTA2, but to be honest, I feel like DOTA2 is more rewarding. With LoL after a couple months I felt like I was in a kind of loop with a been-there-done-that feeling. However, with DOTA2 each game is refreshing. And now that there's a great tutorial, I kinda wish that had existed when…
If there's a Police Special Task-force in charge of the investigation, and the chief of Police is in it, I'd suggest to investigate his son. If said son is in the Task-force himself I'd say there's a 7% chance that he is the perpetrator, but would increase greatly if his put in charge at any time. Also, preemptively…
Well, I'll advise you to listen to Yamane Michiru's work for Castlevania (specially Symphony of the Night, Curse of Darkness and Lament of Innocence). I've been hearing those for years now, and even my non-gamer GF is delighted =^.^= So, do give it a try if you ever have a chance. You won't regret it :D! (Unless you…
You should be working on your schematics to file for a patent instead of revealing your invention in a public forum ^_^