
I only drive three-on-a-tree.

Brady is a stallion. See how he even adjusted his grip on the ball mid-hit?

Are you happy with this or did Scocca make you post this as some kind of public humiliation punishment? Weak.....

Seconded. Grow a pair guys. What were you doing while the receptionist went to narc on you? Waiting for an engraved invite to infiltrate the facility?

This has to rank right up there with Michael Corleone waiting till his son's baptism to straight up murder all his competition at once. Vanessa has been planning this since the moment he bought her that ring. Cold blooded.


Son I am not disappoint. (To cheap shot artist #89)

Reminds me of my 2nd ride after I got my license. The first being a Diahatsu that got me and 2 friends from California to B.C. and back in the dead of winter. Ride number 2 demanded a lot from me but delivered when I opened her up on HWY 280 during my lunch breaks at my job - 5 min to the highway followed by 20

Tell me when they finally observe a Higgins Boson. Is there, I know it.

UGH competition sucks! I can't wait until I read a post on Gizmodo a couple of years from now complaining about how the streaming services consolidated and now there's only 2 to choose from.

Okay, so his biggest sin is that he doesn't fit the mold of the consensus view of what a quarterback in the NFL In 2011 should be. Same goes for Alex Smith. But what the fuck? At least they give a shit and work their asses off, even if that is because they can't cruise by on sheer talent. I would take either of those

They did such a great job taking on PayPal and Facebook. I can't see how this can fail...

I'm a little curious about what corporations who issue smartphones to their employees think about this. From what I'v read here if you use a digital certificate on your smart phone you, and your company's IT/Security group, should probably take a look in to this.

1982? Was this before she turned in to Robert Blake?

I'm pretty sure the other offer was from Jezebel...

Here's the place where you have an internet circle jerk with the 4 other commentors who found your comment amusing, or even got it in the first place.

I wonder what his brother Larry would have made of this...

These are literally the best magnets I've ever bought. Lego did not cheap out on the actual magnets in these.