
To be fair, this is the certification Adams was referring to. I don't blame him, anyone could get duped.

Gus Johnson just scheduled his chemical castration procedure. Are you happy now, Frenchie?

Something tells me the honor code office is going to be getting a lot of calls regarding Jimmer boning people's sisters. Me, well I'm going to rat Jimmer out for having multiple wives and taking money from a false prophet to start his home center empire. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Personally, I'm going to take donatations to bribe the train engineer to conveniently stop the train in one of the tunnels between the 22nd street and 4th & King stops. At that point every Doyer fan will be forcibly ejected from the train for an impromptu pre-game blanket party. They can walk to the ballpark if they

You actually make a pretty good argument about why Adobe needs a serious shake up. You and I both use Photoshop in a professional setting, but I have never had the need to do the type of photo editing you describe. In fact, I can say that I probably only use 25% of the features available in Photoshop 90% of the time.

Wow, I'm a "tool" because I don't wholeheartedly accept the breathless praise from Jesus Diaz over something he has never even touched? Reread this post and find me anything that isn't regurgitated PR blather or sheer hyperbolic nonsense? I repeat: Jesus Diaz is foaming at the mouth over a product/user experience

I just don't the the value added of having my toolbar/windows/palettes open on a tablet that forces me to always look away from my monitor - i.e. an iPad sitting on my desk. With my dual monitor setup I never have to look down to change tools.

I think I made it pretty clear I won't be.

Cool story, bro. I actually use these tools (yes, I consider Photoshop a tool) to make my living. There is nothing about using a fracking iPad that will make what I do any easier than a mouse or a pen-based tablet. It's a toy.

Cool story, bro, however I have never once in the 14 years I've been using Photoshop felt the need to see a three dimensional representation of all my layers. I don't get what that feature is trying to solve. It just makes for a cool demo I guess.

I've seen Mario Lopez strike this pose way too often (sorry, wife likes to read the tabloids and they are surprisingly effective laxatives). At least stick a pen in your had so it looks somewhat natural. See Bob Dole's example....

what are you fucking 4 motherfucking chan now?

All I know is that I wish I could have been Candy Finnigan's drinking buddy back when she was off the wagon.

After the trainers left the field, and Oswald regained his composure, he still managed to throw Manny out before he reached first.

@sterlingsilver36: She was the female version of Bobcat Goldthwait in the 80's

@FlemingBias: Only if they follow it up with the Real Golden Girls of Miami

@bigredgambler: I agree. At one point I was that smaller kid 'bullying' kids who were bigger than me because I was an angry little asshole. It took one time where the kid I was being an ass to got me in to some kind of arm hold and took me to the ground. I'm happy he did it.

I'm pretty sure one of them also made a Godzilla remark upon hearing about the earthquake in Japan.
