
Why hasn't this sport taken off in the US yet?

We had a rollout deadline to meet.

@PsychicPsycho3: I started doing the same the other week. Kind of makes me wonder why Denton seems to be okay with this. I might be paranoid, but I have a feeling the .ca pageviews are being used to prop up the regular pageviews to make it seem like people are returning. In fact, when I searched for

Baron Davis thought they were shooting a McDonalds commercial. He even held up a Big Mac and said "I'm lovin' it!" to an invisible cameraman after the dunk.

I was a 19 yr old at art school where every girl my age went for the few guys who were in their mid to late 20's at the time - guys with tattoos who decided to get a career going after years of doing graffiti. They had all the drugs and knew where the best parties were. How the hell could some suburban dork right out

To his credit, that dance routine is the extent of his boxing training.

Yeah I got over my reservations about working out with the 5lb weights really fast when I started doing boxing training. I think our trainer bought the pink colored plastic coated ones just to fuck with all of us.

Agreed. They tried to buy their silence. Considering the speed, and what the NFL was ponying up, my spidey senses tell me there's more where that came from once some lawyers got involved.

@Cyrus_the_virus: I'm just disappointed that Mike Tomlin would ditch his team at halftime go out and perform. What was the deal with that plastic getup on his head?

Anyone else watching Sport Center? I believe Steve Young just asked Aaron Rodgers about his metaphorical monkey.

Anyone else wondering what Big Ben was saying to the ref as they were walking off the field? That wise ass smirk (approaching Hines Wardian levels) on his face makes me think it was something along the lines of, "By the way, I know where your daughter goes to college..."

Should have just given him the bitch slap. Man has to earn a living...

It's like Burning Man with an actual purpose.

This reminds me of that show on cable about the Detroit SWAT team. Every bust they do tends to unfold the same way:

I'm pretty sure Kim Catrall is British by birth, or at least Canadian. I'm too lazy to check, but Canadians can usually pull of British accents fairly well e.g. Mike Meyers.

@Sam IamNot: That profile is oddly familiar. I'd say that is a dead ringer for Big Ben in about 30 years...