
#11: This douchenozzle...

My own Nielsens story: I received a letter informing me I was chosen by Nielsen to be a Nielsen Family about 10 years ago. I ignored it so they actually sent a Nielsen representative to my house to ask me in person. I agreed and they came back and installed their monitor. I'm pretty sure I forgot to tell them my TV

After reading the article that links off from this post it's clear that Sadder is not an industrial designer. This would never fly if that was the case. She's in a "3D" design program, whatever that means. Sounds like more like some kind of product design degree which would make sense if you read her thesis. She

@oneDRTYrusn: I'll add a couple more dimensions on top of that. They will either reach us on purpose, or just by complete accident. We also need to take in to account that if extra terrestrial visitors came and found us on purpose, the possibility of them already visiting in the past is very real.

@SorciaMacnasty: I don't know what happened to her that she now sounds like she's exhaling while trying to speak, but it only intensifies her annoyingness.

I had the worst boss in the world at one job. He would find a word and completely overuse it for a week then find a different one. For a good couple of weeks he was bound to work in "literally" in to any conversation you had with him. Only he would pronounce it "lit-ra-ly". I still cringe when I see that word.

A more accurate graphic would show each telescope surrounded by a sphere corresponding to how 'far' it can see out in to space. This one implies that the past is always going to be to our left.

I bet that guy with the broom has some charming stories.

Why was it that my ex decides *after* our 4 year relationship ends to start doing kinky stuff like impromptu porno shoots and watching porn together? Oh yeah, she started seeing someone else and needed to cheat on him like she did with me.

This is all so ridiculously familiar:

@envirodesigner: Easy. Do they make you a better person? If not, then you are being used.

@ms. noblet: To be fair, some would find a young Josef Stalin a catch.

@ScarletSquire: He got drunk first and invited the Jets to follow him to the bathroom then got his friends to make the Jet's friends keep silent?

I'd try to sell you a picture of Mike Singletary fucking himself but you can just google mike+singletary+49ers+coach and get it for free.

@Peteski: You wish. Pic #1 is Marat Safin, and #2 is when he drags it up as Dinara Safina.

@Jen82: I can tell you from my own experience that it's pretty hard to parent a baby who is making the transition from infant to toddler. They're starting to explore the world around them but generally haven't developed listening and speaking skills that make communicating easy.


@Always Winning: I can't remember the last Deadspin post I've actually read more than one time.