
@ModernBawhair: I've seen that too, but if you look at the alcohol content they are usually not much stronger than beer. At least here in the US.

I would read the entire phone book if it said "by Nate Jackson" on the cover.

Is "Magic Johnson" taken?

@Rainbow Bright: The ladies I see serving Ninkasi tend to look like they drink more of it that you do. Then go play roller derby.

@looney82: He needs to get sent to the butt-rape-juvie from Sleepers and spend a few nights with Kevin Bacon.

I haven't heard this much speculation and hand-wringing over a leader's health outside of Fidel Castro or Kim Jong Il.


@anomnomnom: He dresses like he speaks. You just have to nod your head and make a mental note of what he really meant to say/wear.

What I've learned since the issue of concussions became a hot topic in the NFL is that there's really two distinct types of brain injuries. You have the concussion which is typically happens when the head jerks violently after a hit which causes the brain to slam against the indside of the skull. The other is the

In the words of Don King:

Kinda white, err, bright in here...

@GREGORYABUTLER10031: For the size of our house and yard, 7 cats is just the right amount. In the winter it can seem a little crowded, but in the summer there's rarely more than 2 in the house at any given time.

@alynn: It's definitely harder during the rainy months. I think that having only one male helps a bit with territory issues. Not to mention we only introduced new cats when they were kittens. For some reason the older ones had an easier time accepting them. Bringing in a new adult cat can be very problematic.

@FindingFraoch: Agreed. It's hard for me to watch because I understand their attachment to their pets, and the feeling that others just don't get it. I grew up in a household that was about 75% of the way to becoming a cat hoarding situation, so I have a good idea where the line should be drawn. I also credit my wife

Just to be totally superficial and reliant on snap judgement. The 'not as hot' ones, to me, look like they have more brains than the 'hot' ones.

@Morwynn: This morning I woke up to one cat stretched all the way across the pillow above my head with another kitty lying on her back. Like right on top of her.