
@MidwestCoastBias: I think a lot of people forget just how calculating and image-aware many of the artists we consider 'greats' were in their times. Look at a band like the Ramones, for example. Their look, sound, interviews, etc. were all calculated to a tee. Bob Dylan was even worse.

I'm calling bullshit.

@BrtStlnd: No. He was just the host. That actually seems pretty high to me for a cable channel to be paying. Can't imagine they attracted that great of advertisers. I mean who is the show's market? Unemployed teenagers who drive hoopties?

He fuckin' loves his hat, though.

Sure. As long as he doesn't stand next to anyone over 5' 6", otherwise he looks like a gnome.

@TheCatInTheHat: Followed by a few seconds of silence then, "Maybe he's forgotten you!".

@SunnyBunnyDays: Not until I piped in with "Fucking magnets, how do they work?".

My wife's aunt explaining how the recent episode of 60 Minutes, with the people who could remember every day of their lives, proved to her how God could be all-knowing.

Sadly, usability tends to be the wrench in the gears for most companies when it should be a top priority. I can't tell you the number of times what was convenient for the engineers trumped what would work best for the end user....

Was this after she turned in to the black swan? I'm confused. Is this the right thread??

@pribian: I think that was the elder Simmons...

I imagine before this treatment becomes medically viable for anyone with HIV they will have figured out how to make it cost about the same as a lifetime supply of HIV medications.

Still having trouble seeing because of the glare from this trophy...

Did someone say CPP?

@Platypus Man: It works great when you are multiplying double digit numbers, but it can get tedious for something as simple as 7x8, which would require you drawing 15 lines then counting 56 dots. Much easier just to memorize a times table in that case.

I wish I would have known about this back in elementary school. I always did horrible in math and just assumed I just wasn't good at it. Then I took a math class at an art school, of all places, and realized I was capable of understanding a lot more than I thought I did. It wasn't until it was taught to me in a more

My tombstone will just say. Baseball

@istealllamas: They have a way of dealing with players trying to be cute in the NHL. It's not pretty.

Good thing the bank hid a tracking device in the money. All the police had to go on was the teller tweeting "OMG. Totally just got robbed by Justin Bieber and Michael Cera!1! Wonder who drove the getaway unicorn..."