
@Sconnifornia: Be thankful. That shit from Safeway is loaded with transfats from the oil they add to it so it doesn't separate after sitting for a while.

@BigHarryWieters: It only counts when the cleats actually touch the ground.

@FavreFAIL: That's right.. blame the Nagin...

Now playing

This is a long thread and I didn't have time to check to see if someone else posted this earlier. The opening shot from Casino has a pretty cool car explossion, but Deniro turns in to a plastic dummy a split second before it happens. I'm still baffled why this couldn't be edited out...

@FavreFAIL: Should've played the Maize Card....

Psshh... the Beatles' entire career was over before they were that age.

They could always just cover it up..

@ClueHeywood: As much as I despise Raider fans, you have to admire how they'd probably kick a fellow Raider fan's ass if they started booing their team. Just sayin...

@ClueHeywood: There were Cardinal fans there? All I heard was booing and Niner fans cheering...

I'm pretty sure he felt safe laughing because a) no one east of PST even tuned in, and b) there were only Niner fans in the stands by that point.

@Mark 2000: And it also works well as a retort. No pie for me, then none of my pie for your agents. I'm opting out.

@jdale: That the crux of the argument for abolishing the TSA and having airports hire their own security.

So Wade could coach SF for one game, and win, then quit and claim to have won every game he coached for that team. Hell, not even Bill Walsh can make that claim.

The Chevy nod was a clear solid to the Obama administration.

Works every time...

Glad to see these guys had a career after music.

@elephantom: We totally missed out with baby #1 who was 4 weeks old last T-day. We were going to play the 'swine flu' card (this was really helpful in us managing to have zero relatives at the materinity hospital), but he was great-great grand child #1, so we broke down.

If this game was a movie, it would be called, Whooping Coughlin.

Ben had to answer, "I dunno, what?" when Seymour asked him, "What did the five fingers say to the face?".....