
You couldn't walk to In-N-Out? That's the kind of decision making that kept you out of Cal.

18 years now. A clever person would have come up with a new joke over that period of time.

You also get free use of the Rolling Stone, the Segway invented by their engineering school.

Send Tim Tebow to them... seriously

" Beyonce is likely the finest living performer we have right now and she proved that again tonight."

Why did Kanye let her finish?

Someone needs to make a gif of her rhythm-less flailing with "White People" across the bottom.

I assume this is here to antagonize Greg which, for the record, I'm more than ok with.

Is Greg having an aneurysm right now bc of this goal/non-call

He's clarifying because he used to be Snoop Lion duh

This is oozing so much class. So very Missouri to let the white guy take multiple shots until he hits the target dead on.

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

I'm planning on buying several. Like 4-8

Dammit, Foley. If you want to sell some tickets, fire that jackass we have as a coach.

Keep Calm and Get Fired Up. That is going to be my life motto from here on out.


You know soccer players love going down in the box.

Now playing

This video is relevant to this "tradition".

You're better than this, too. Try again.