
Who is excited that summer is here?! After my first year of grad school I am soooo glad that my program doesn't offer summer classes. I AM READY FOR MY BREAK...even though I'm doing research for my thesis and studying for the LSAT (playing around with the idea of law school after the masters, haven't made a decision

After doing my rounds on OKC, I've determined it's anyone who's in the movie business. Cant do it anymore. Also anyone who is crazy involved in board games. Don't get me wrong, my friends and I get into those board games with drinks but after dating someone who was a screenwriter/magic the board game player, I'm DONE.

In high school, I cut my hair to my shoulders and straightened it every day and wore my glasses every day because the boy I liked had a fancy towards girls with short straight hair and glasses.

Led to almost a decade's worth of a rollercoaster of a wasn't pretty guys, not pretty at all.

Okay, so I can only remember three breakups...but I only actually remember two of them. I know they broke up in the early high school years....I think? And then there was the one where Cory and Lauren kissed on the school ski trip, which I side with Topanga on. And then when Topanga's parents divorced and she decided

Oh, no, I meant the later ones. The one that REALLY bothered me was the one where Shawn got waitlisted to Penn (was it Penn?) and Cory goes out of his way to get people to switch to another school so that Shawn could get in because having a college education means EVERYTHING and if Shawn chose to stay in that

OMG. THAT ONE! Remember the last one, where he was the farmer in the American Gothic painting that was in the classroom, and Jack was talking to him? And he still missed on getting Topanga, haha. Remembering it still brings back the giggles.

You know what, I agree. I've been rewatching them on MTV every now and then recently, and I'm just like...Cory, shut up. He irritates me so much now and I just find him so problematic.

I heard a lot of negative things though with regards to shipping, which is why I never ordered from them. I'm guessing you've had a really positive continued experience?

Really?! That explains so much! When I was in Italy last year, the waiters in this restaurant in Rome did not know the meaning of boundaries. One of them ended up kissing me and tried to force his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away and he just thought it was the most hilarious thing ever.

I miss all girl groups. What happened to them?!

She looks so polished. Brad...I'm just distracted by the seam...zipper? down the front of his pants...what IS that? He reminds me of Billy Ray Cyrus right now.

I had shitty vending machine coffee to wash it down. :( my life is sad. Hahaha! But nah, I'm happy that the Kings have made it this far in the playoffs. being a fan for 12 years has taught me to keep the faith. Congrats on your boys' win though!

That's the look mine gives me when I'm leaving for work in the mornings. Kills me every time.

My parents had a BBQ at the house while I was at the library. so I just had the leftovers, rice, beans, grilled skirt steak, grilled chicken, grilled corn on the cob, tortillas and guacamole mmm mmm mmm.

Ugh again. My Kings are not making me happy haha. At least the next two games we got home ice advantage. I wish I had some beer to wash down this loss haha.

Damn your Blackhawks. I was at the library all so I didn't even get to watch the game.

I still maintain he's so adorable!!!!

ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! OMG, what would make this complete is Sweet Valley High on Netflix too. Hello childhood. I know what I'm doing when finals are over.

I looooove the beach!! I promised my pup that I would take her to the beach to make up for neglecting her the past couple of weeks while I've been preparing for finals. It's okay, my mom spoils her.

Why is he always holding it? Granted it's not like I watch it all the time, but the times my cousin has managed to convince me to watch it with her, he always has it. Is it part of his schtick? Or is he a ridiculous coffee addict?

I don't know why the stupid cup annoys me so much today.