Since her health isn't so great, would an abortion aggravate her lupus and kidney problems? I mean, obviously the c-section/giving birth would, but would an abortion have affect on it?
Since her health isn't so great, would an abortion aggravate her lupus and kidney problems? I mean, obviously the c-section/giving birth would, but would an abortion have affect on it?
Wait...who is that??
"I looked out across the roiling sea. I coughed."
Oh. My. God. After reading all the articles what with Beatriz in E.S., the teenager in Florida, the prisoner, the Patrick Stewart article, the birth control article, I am just in a glass case of emotions. This made me laugh...A LOT.
You win all the vegan cookies today.
Oh I completely agree, I was just mentioning what the court's logic (pfft, if you can even call it logic) behind their ruling was. I don't understand why it's such an issue since the fetus will not survive, and if it does, it will only be alive for a few hours (one article mentioned a few days at most) so why is the…
I completely agree. The courts are being ridiculous about this. They're just like, okay, so her kidneys can shut down and she could possibly die, but since her health isn't too bad right now, then let's just wing it and see what happens.
Some other article mentioned that women have been arrested in El Salvador for…
I think the first pregnancy was difficult for her from one of the articles I read (can't recall specifically which one though) and one of the comments (my mistake to read the comments) said something along the lines that since she survived the first pregnancy and knew what she'd be dealing with yet decided to get…
From what I read, the court is saying based on the medical exams, Beatriz's lupus is under control at the moment, so it's not posing any significant risk (for right now) so that's why they're not convinced that her life is in danger and that they need to perform the abortion. Also, I forgot from what other source I…
Good luck! I have no idea how much mine will be. At the moment I have a chipped tooth, but fortunately it's not noticeable and it doesn't hurt, so I haven't been too much in a hurry to hand over my wallet to fix that and the other cavities I'm pretty sure I have and idk what else.
I actually have health insurance, but I haven't gone to the dentist bc I know my insurance isn't going to cover what I probably need to get done and there's no way I can afford all that stuff.
That's the thing, I RARELY ever encounter the whole fake people thing. I feel like they judge based on what's out on the media/popular and that's where they go to party/hang out. I mean come on, you can go to the beach and you can go to the mountains for snow in a freaking DAY. There's so much awesomeness and so many…
I personally think they're kvetching (this is the first time I've ever hear that word, haha). I honestly love it here...minus the traffic and public transportation system and you have to drive everywhere factor. Granted I grew up here, so I may be biased. I think it all depends on who you hang out with, where you hang…
Aww, you graduated the same year I did and you're also a fellow 818-er! Its funny though how different people's high school experiences can be though. I remember the Juicy phase and the name brand purse phase...I also went to private school, and I would say the majority were middle class/upper middle but it wasn't…
Cousin fucker. Your girlfriend is AWESOME. That last line made me snort laugh.
Don't tease me with a good story!!!!
Your life fascinates me. All I want to do is grab some wine while you tell me your stories.
YOU LIE! No freaking way! Bahahahahaha!!!!
Hahahaha, e-cake for everyone!!
The being attacked by an ornery wolverine bit made me laugh though. The alternative name bit...was this just in the bedroom or 24/7? All these stories from everyone are awesome, hilarious, and cringe-worthy.