
. . .

You win. I can't...I just can't...

I TOTALLY wanted (still want to really) date Weevil. I was so bummed out about what happened during graduation in Season 2. Stupid Sheriff Lamb, couldn't it have waited?! You asshat.

I'd rather have them high waisted than split down the seam. True story. I was getting in my car from my commuter train when the damn skirt split open all the way up to the zipper.

Is she going to Game 5?! Even though it's in St. Louis, SHE COULD BE OUR GOOD LUCK CHARM!!! GO KINGS, GO!

Also, it is SO NICE that they finally won the Cup last year, I was finally able to shut everyone up who was making fun of me being a fan for almost 14 years.

I was 19, it was the summer before my second year in college, and all my roommates were over 21. He was from New Zealand playing and singing that James Blunt song that was so goddamn popular at the time. Game over. I thought it was the most romantic thing ever that he opened my beer with a knife because a bottle

Redford! BUT, I totally had a major crush on Leo back when he was in Growing Pains. Be still my pre-pubescent heart...

The way I was dumped from my LTR was while I was at my best friend's birthday party. However, I found out through facebook/text message because of the changed relationship status bc a friend texted me asking me if I was all right since she saw on her newsfeed the change. I had to hound him for hours, texting/calling

Oh my god. This video has me entranced. Is this from High School Musical?

AND THE POND SCENE. THE POND SCENE. I almost spit out my coffee. It is magnificent.

I just ordered one of them eye openers (coffee + a shot of espresso)...this article perplexes me. Am I alive? Am I dead? IS THIS REAL LIFE?

...I need more coffee...



PUPPIES!!! AHHH!!! THEY SO FLUFFY!!!! I'll be honest, I used to be afraid of chow chows because my cousin had one who was rather aggressive...didn't help that she bit my stomach when I was 9 because my cousin and I were horsing around, and she thought he was in actual danger. Martha Stewart's chow chows have

AHAHAHAHA!!! "Every time you see a celebrity drunk in public, an angel gets its wings."

I love you so much right now.

The comments that really make me twitch/cringe/face palm/all of the above are the ones that go, "Well I come from a family of immigrants who waited until they could come in legally" << or any combination of that.

...I'm MIA for idk how long and this is what I see. I just can't :|

Sorry for the late response, I've been MIA from...everything.

Okay, I'll break it down, and perhaps I may be biased because I'm basing this on what I have seen in my community, but the girls I saw were not really social media savvy, and they were sure as hell not banking in $1mil in 10 years.

I'm not saying that what

Wow. I seriously am stunned to see the comments here on Jezebel regarding this. I can't tell if some people are just trolling or if they're being serious. Some of these comments are akin to what I'd see in the CNN comments section.

Go Kings!!!!

I agree with you though, it would have gone differently had she answered that way. Also, I wouldn't want to be a hockey ref...remember last years playoffs against NJ and how that one ref got a bloody nose? I can't remember if the puck hit him or if he got run into by one of the players.

I feel like he

This picture is AWESOME. I did NOT know she had muscles! When I first saw it, I was like, ooooh damn girl, you're ripped!

I'm conflicted on how to feel about this. On one hand, I think it's great that she's making use of social media tools, but at the same time, she's coming from a place of privilege. I mean, she's got a day job too! I wonder how this would apply to sex workers of color...and frankly, I just don't see it. Maybe I'm just

I love this. All of this. This thread is perfect and distracts me from the sad of the other commenters.

I'm inviting myself and my pup :)

P.S. Don't you guys love it when your puppies (they are all puppies to me, regardless of age) can sense you're not in the best of moods and just do everything to show you how much

I am loving all these comments. I've been debating on getting an IUD for the past year or so, but I keep reading and hearing conflicting stories that make me nervous about getting it. My periods are already bad enough, I do not want them to be longer or heavier or more painful (I've been off the pill for...almost 2