Take one dash of awful truth and a cup of mental illness and you get people who believe in Pizzagate. I can prove this because you only think Rich Democrats are involved. Cleary Trump would be too. He is in bed with all those folks.
Take one dash of awful truth and a cup of mental illness and you get people who believe in Pizzagate. I can prove this because you only think Rich Democrats are involved. Cleary Trump would be too. He is in bed with all those folks.
Suicide Squad is a great film... Er.. I mean The Economy is FINE!
Honest question: Do the people pushing for social change by dredging up every awful thing ever said and punishing people using today’s standards understand that they are doing their cause much more harm than good?
My showing was in 2D. Did the 3D add a lot?
They Shall Not Grow old is a masterpiece.
I worked many concerts back in the day. DLR was the second douchiest person I met doing that. Meat Loaf was #1.
Someone else thinks Mayo is somehow Dairy? Just becuse it’s WHITE?? That’s Racist.
Basically... He created a charity and paid every non profit he interacted with out of that. And that was it. He paid his kids 11$ Boy Scouts fee out of it. I assume that his accountant just had a standing order to do so. He is such a crook, but I feel many rich people do this shit.
Doubleclick keeps locking up my browser here. I assume it’s becuse I use ad blocker.
True.. Just a generic comment of how people talk about teams.
I went to the 1975 world series for my 10th birthday. For my 21st birthday the ball rolled between Buckner’s legs. I went to a Patriots game against the Jets where combined record between the 2 teams was 2-16. With Tony Eason at QB. And it rained. Cold Rain. We earned the recent run of greatness and those of us old…
Red Sox add Payroll: Cheaters!
Exactly. This.
The first ten million dicks were the worst...
It was a dark and sticky coitus...
This reminds me of the time I was in the Commuter Rail Station under the Boston Garden and Shaquille O’neal walked through (during the cup of coffee he had with the Celtics at the end of his career).
Yes, great point. Serial Killers is a better description.
I prefer Child Murders.
New England Republicans are not like the rest of the country. They are almost all - save that lunatic in maine and some Trump fans who got nominated this time - socially liberal and fiscally conservative to moderate.
He was re-elected, very moderate, very popular, hates Trump and the Dems put forth a very very very poor candidate.