Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...
Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...
girl, me too.
I declare my vault to be the best until I see better:
What’s interesting is that I literally COULD NOT find the original/non face-switched version of this photo.
She’s like Ned Flanders Beatnik parents “We’ve done nothin’ man and we’re all outta ideas!”
Mrs. Clinton retorts, “Respectfully, if that is your position, then I will talk only to white people about how we are going to deal with a very real problem.”
I’m really glad this video came out. A real problem that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has had is that she hasn’t really done any public events, which allows her to escape the scrutiny of actual activists from all walks of life-including the BLM folks. She’s insulated herself against any possible confrontations, while…
Maybe boys shouldn’t dress so distractingly.
Oh my god, that graphic.
So just skipped over the video proof that’s in the article eh?
Good for them. Someone send me a quark when they beat another boss. What’s a quark you say? It’s the form of communication I speculate we’ll be using by the time they reach the Taurus demon.
Holy shit Vanessa how did you know!?
Sony needs to fix their “interests” settings first. Because I played Bloodborne, they suggest I try Driveclub. You know, because of the similarities between both. Or because I played Destiny, I should try Driveclub. Or because I bought a God of War game on the Vita, I should try F1 2015 on the PS4.
Invisible status option for PSN please.
They quickly back peddled on that... also why are you grey? I hope it’s real but I’ll wait. Hell I’d settle for a PS2 Classics Port on the PS3 I mean every PS2 SMT is up there why not FF XII unless they are remaking it and want to keep people waiting.
they’re remaking it dude! (assuming that slip-up a few weeks ago was true)
Just give me FF XII on another Platform and I’ll be happy. PLEASE!