
I’m not knowledgeable about material engineering and design either, but if someone said to me, “I have an idea for a bridge that can be built in a DAY!” I’d move on to the next proposal.

No shit. Or, that person could have all their medical pain, and be a little person. Try being in pain AND not being able to reach a kitchen cabinet.

[Magic Johnson shows Bow Wow where his jersey will go in the Staples Center rafters]

Eh, it’s not like either one of them is ever going to play pro ball or anything

Omg, it’s a freaking movie, not a civil rights revolution. How about you get your kids to watch a documentary or read a book about MLK? Ya know, an REAL pioneer for African American rights.

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On the Evgeni Malkin Spinning Backhand Difficulty Scale, that was around Hurt Me Plenty. This would be Malkin on Nightmare! level.

Nightmare fuel.

Ah yes, the world weary writer bravely into her 20s, reflected on all the hard-earned wisdom that can only come from such a wizened sage. Is this why everyone hates millennials? I think this is why everyone hates millennials.

Not pictured: the Texans’ staff immediately sent Zaid back out on the court for a second attempt.

Nice timing, Skipper. Happy holidays.

This is what happens when a bunch of old dudes want to get in a dick-measuring contest, but no one wants to actually drop their drawers and show off their dead flaccid wieners.

The new white collars on their jerseys make them look like goddamn Quakers.

It’s nice to see that Mike Greenberg paid tribute to the show by telling a couple of boring stories that I don’t give a shit about.

This sucks in a way that’s hard to put into words. Halladay is someone I’d have driven to Cooperstown to see his induction. A personal hero from back when I still had those.

Exactly. If he doesn’t feel the need for speed this wouldn’t have happened. This was on Paul Walker and his friend and no one deserves a penny.

She was trying to get as much money out of her father’s death possible. We are talking about the US after all.

Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.

In another heartbreaking text, Andersen added that even though he tried!! get through!! the players!! it seemed like no-one could even hear what he was saying!!!

I’m totally shocked that a man who made his career objectifying women would abuse them and treat them as disposable. Shocked.

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This list is garbage, made by garbage people who work on a garbage web site for a garbage company.