These addiction stories are really cool.
These addiction stories are really cool.
I’m not 100% certain, but I’m pretty sure the flow chart points to her & her child’s next move is fighting a woman at Wal Mart.
“directed by Bruce Timm—one of the men who gave us some of the best animated versions of DC Comics’ superheroes in the Batman, Superman and Justice League cartoons.”
“directed by Bruce Timm—one of the men who gave us the best versions of DC Comics’ superheroes in the Batman, Superman and Justice League cartoons.”
I would like to see the success rate of any bar or restaurant featured on these shows. It has to be close to 0 percent.
Entourage gets a fucking movie but not Deadwood?
Entourage is awful, and it only appeals to a distinct sector of meatheads and falldowns.
It’s like the Tom Ley of screen.
Deadspin - Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion
I’m not here to judge his love.
How long until someone puts a dick in there?
So we’re just not gonna talk about the person on the far right?
well done not using any exclamation points, I can spot quite a few places where I’m sure you wanted to use one too.
Tom, I like you but cool it with the exclamation points
that was a decent amount of effort for something without a punchline
Someone has to tranquilize him, and then a crew of four does it in two hours.
Gronk only pawn in game of football.
Adam Corolla has never been the same since that affair with Connie Celica broke up his marriage to Camry Diaz.
Enough with this guy already. I dont get the obsession
a little too much hateraid, deadspin. turn it down a notch. Its getting weird for everyone
That graphic is pretty damn disconcerting. I wasn’t sure if it was actually shaking or I recently had a concussion.