how is has this not been turned into a reality show? 7 baby mommas under one roof, it writes itself. I'm certain TLC would pick a classy title, such as "Sista Wives"
how is has this not been turned into a reality show? 7 baby mommas under one roof, it writes itself. I'm certain TLC would pick a classy title, such as "Sista Wives"
Beat me to it. +8 kids from 7 women.
Kalaf: Oooh, roasted!
Can't wait for First Take to tell us why this decision is entirely because LeBron James passed him on the All-Time Scorers list the other day. If anyone can figure out how to make two things not related somehow be related, it's Skip "Hot Take" Bayless.
Favre: Where'd you shave?
I watched the video in order to see a "real fight." I am still waiting to see a "real fight."
It must be a special night in Pittsburgh. I've never seen them wearing blue and black jerseys before.
Tom Ley for Raysism
Corsi always played a good heavy game. He plays the right way. Heavy shot to boot.
Femwick sure as hell didn't sustain a lower body injury, he never gives up the body to block a shot.
After calling off the 1994 World Series because of a work stoppage, and failing to reach an agreement over the…
Satan himself wouldn't look Oakley in the eye, if he knew what was good for him.
You know what I really love? Blog writers who neither have played the game nor do they understand the math behind analytics, and yet hold a belief about the superiority of one view over the other that can only be described as ideological.
Pete Carroll lost that entire locker room with that call. No way those guys ever trust him again. The Seahawks run is done.
do you guys just re-post reddit?
You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a Penn State fan.
N'damukong Suh can be the head official.
Also, seriously, play the game in French. It's silly playing it in English.