
I think that's correct. Corning's website doesn't list Apple as a Gorilla Glass user.

Why the heck doesn't Apple use Gorilla Glass or that new Dragonscale thing yet anyway?

I expect the intention was to give positive attention to the Apple store and its employees, rather than any to the "scumbag".

When these notes go into circulation (I don't know if that's legal) they will reach a lot of people. Pamphlets are discarded so they would have to print a lot more, but not many would throw away dollar bills.

I'd like to see Gunther von Hagens do something like this.

I didn't know he went by that moniker, but considering how appropriate it is, I'm guessing we're talking about the same guy :-) .

Being a techie myself, perhaps my opinion is biased, but I never found it all that difficult to use. Mind you, I'm mostly a Linux user, and have used ProcExp only on a few occasions. But it usually took me only a few clicks to figure out how to get what I wanted.

I was hoping for a pale shadow of it at least. Considering Russinovich's been with MS for years now, I'm surprised they never cared to pull in features from ProcExp into the Task Manager.

Still doesn't match up to Mark Russinovich's Process Explorer.

80% in 10 hours is pretty bad. I've never left data on for prolonged hours, but with wifi on overnight I lose barely 5-6%. I'll have to try 3G sometime to see how that goes.

What's wrong with the battery life on the S2? I easily get over 3 days on normal usage (calls + some wifi + minimal 3G). Over on xda I've seen people get over 5 days with custom kernels.

Does it have to be in a gallery to be art? Why can't folks just go to the source to see it?

Make a solar-powered one, and I'll be on it in a flash. Having to charge my watch every few days is a pain I don't want.


Three. There's Bill Gates as well.

Ah, but *Sony* Ericsson was not established until 2001. Anyway, according to Wikipedia, SE sold ~100 million phones in 2007, but the numbers have been steadily declining since.

Of course, but it's not all black and white. If the harm level is so low as to be immeasurable, why do we even care that it's not "good"?

Aspirins are $25 a piece? Man, more than the insurance companies, it's the pharmaceutical companies who are f*cking you in the arse. Here in India Aspirin costs the equivalent of 10 cents for a strip of 10 tablets.

Considering that one-sixth of humanity lives there, it can't be all that bad.