>> And second hand smoke is no joke.
>> And second hand smoke is no joke.
For some reason this makes me sad. I've been using Firefox for years, and I've never had reason to complain. I've tried Chrome, but I always found myself coming back to the 'Fox. Switching from it would be like, I don't know, betraying a dear friend or something.
Don't worry too much. According to the article "(a) that's really not so much radiation and (b) they still couldn't assess the resulting cancer threat." Fact is, the radiation in cigarettes is way too little to cause cancer or probably do any other harm. There are carcinogens of course, but it's not because of their…
This article from 2007, in the wake of Litvinenko's poisoning with Po-210, explains this very well:
Have you seen this:
I was in Istanbul last year, I live in Bangalore and I visit Delhi quite often. I can testify that Istanbul is nowhere near as bad as the other two.
I know it's cliched but in this case it's warranted - he makes it look so easy ! Like he's out for an evening walk or something.
Ironically in an article with the message "no detail is too small". Once would be excusable but this many? I wonder what Jobs would have to say about this ...
Damn ! I'd heard rumours of the impending change before I bought my phone, but it wasn't sure. Good to know that Moto's listening to its users though.
This can only mean good things. An unlocked bootloader was the only reason I went for the Galaxy S2 over the Atrix. Not that I regret it, mind you - the SGS2 is a marvelous device. But coming from a Motorola Milestone (the GSM version of the Droid), Samsung's build quality does feel a bit... toy-ish.
You need to realize that most addons are developed by third parties, and until the developer officially says that his addon is compatible with a new version, the warning stays. The easiest way to get rid of it is to install the addon compatibility reporter extension ([addons.mozilla.org] That said, I'm running Firefox…
At what he does, he's already probably better than 99% of humanity, disabled or otherwise.
Trying to saw off a cast is not necessarily dumb. Using a 10-inch circular saw for that purpose definitely is.
This is what 11 KV does.
Should've put a pedal to it instead of a hand crank, so I can rotate it while I sit comfortably and drink my coffee.
I found some of those shots quite unreal too. HDR is supposed to make things look more like the human eye would see them, but I think this camera defeats the purpose. There's maybe too much range there for it to be realistic.
Pffft. Combine this with planking. That's when you have crazy.
Install the Addon Compatibility Reporter extension from Mozilla ([addons.mozilla.org] It disables all checks and has, so far, worked across several versions of FF for me.
You could always say, as Rumsfeld did, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I hardly think this would prevent the US and/or Israel from invading Iran, were they to decide to do it. There are other reasons they won't do it of course.
Is carpet cleaner ok if I'm bald?