Nope, not working. I have a Google Reader subscription to LH and haven't received any updates in a couple of days. Perhaps the URL has changed? Or maybe it's a Reader problem? I'll try a different reader and see how it goes.
Nope, not working. I have a Google Reader subscription to LH and haven't received any updates in a couple of days. Perhaps the URL has changed? Or maybe it's a Reader problem? I'll try a different reader and see how it goes.
What happened to the RSS feed?
I've heard cigarettes also help you drink more (I don't smoke though I do drink). Probably that would make it worse as well.
I wouldn't mind a P&S if there was an affordable one with a fast lens (f/2.0 or below) (and no, I don't always use full auto mode.) Fujifilm X100 is way beyond my budget - I can get a DSLR and couple of used lenses for that price. How's the RX100? Anyone here used it?
I would buy this if they throw in a vibration function along with the hand movement.
And if your phone is a smartphone and you are in daylight, it's easily another 30 seconds by the time you unlock it and it adjusts the brightness enough for you to be able to see the time.
Sony has a 75-300 which retails for $250. There are Tamron and Sigma versions which are around $200. I got a used one for under $150.
Rather ironic that you should support the new HD view only on the browser that ranked lowest in your tests.
I'm curious to know if this will get through airport security ...
When I was in college (we were about this guy's age - 20-21), a lot of my friends and I had some underage porn in our (large) collections. I didn't find the photos more arousing than the regular porn, but I didn't find them to be particularly distasteful either. I haven't seen all types of child porn, and maybe the…
They've got this at Wonderla near Bangalore, India. It wasn't as scary as it looks.
I did use it. Among the many problems I faced on initial use:
Have you seen Windows 8? I wouldn't rule out Linux (which is what Android is derived from) taking over from Windows if that's the way MS is going.
Jammers aren't selective. CaptainJack or the Dr may be affected because someone else is talking too loud.
Add a wikipedia article on Santorum and somehow make it more popular than the Rick Santorum page. I would imagine wikipedia articles are not considered adult even if the content is adult.
I'm at work, so I can't check, but does this accept links from "other" tube sites?
I think Windows had > 90% marketshare in the desktop/laptop OS market for several years. I don't know if it still does though.
That would be Jocelyn Wildenstein.
You could try Ghostery ( Does pretty much the same thing and works on Linux (at least on Firefox, never tried in Chrome).
Thanks for this info! Back when I was a Windows user, I had used Snarl (https://[]) which, I gather, is heavily inspired by Growl. But Growl definitely seems to have a more active community base.