
No love for Linux :-(

You can add the init line to /etc/default/grub as damis648 said. That way it won't go away with a kernel upgrade. You can add it to either GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX (in which case it will appear in all linux boot options) or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (in which case it will appear only in the default linux boot option).

To open multiple instances, you can right-click on the icon and select "Open a new window". Works for Firefox, so perhaps it would work for Chrome as well.

That's the first thing that came to my mind !

For software companies, copyright laws and closed source code offer better protection than patent laws. Take gaming companies for example. You don't see too many patents coming from them, but they do make their millions. Among others, Google has maintained a very small patent portfolio, and in general eschews patents.

On Linux, you can try Axel ([] ) which, unlike wget, will spawn multiple threads. Bear in mind that some sites will block you if you try that (I haven't tried to download this yet, so I can't say if NASA is one of those sites).

One very good practice is to keep the "/" and "/home" on separate partitions. That way you can reinstall the OS or install another flavour of Linux without losing your data.

@rafash10n: I added the tag in the wrong place. Here you go:

@Kleptomaniac: Actually I did, but I added it after the link by mistake :-(.

@justS: As an ex-smoker with many friends who are still smokers, I resent that comparison ! Most smokers I know won't even smoke in the presence of people who don't like it.

@PrairieMoon: Any suggestions for us late-twenties folks?

@cc: Most medium-to-large corporations would frown at sending corporate mail to external servers.

Why "the Taliban and U.S. military got to it" ? It looks like this was all the handiwork of the U.S. military only.

Here in India we've had whisky in tetra paks for years now.

Tiny titanium balls? I want big ones. Or at least normal-sized ones.

They've got nothing on Vietnam.

@belassoff: With the new firmware update (1.50), the Nook switches off on its own after a while, so I'd expect the battery life would improve. I doubt it would reach the claimed one month that the Kindle provides of course. The update also improved the screen readability somewhat, and the page turn speed a lot.