
You just called me adorable. That's along the lines of "cute." I'm a grown up. I'm not cute or adorable. I don't need you to call me pretty or gorgeous or sexy. But I'm so tired of being called cute like I'm 4 years old.

Aww! Mine don't cause other problems. But they are really dark and I can't even begin to cover them up.

Exactly!!! I don't want to be called cute. And I'm not saying I want to be gorgeous or sexy or anything else like that, but it's almost demeaning to be called cute when you're kind of a grown up.

Um, freckles aren't a minority thing. They're totally different than having a different skin color or being part of a different ethnicity. There's no affirmative action—and there's no need for it for people with freckles. Pahaha.

It just gets really frustrating when people say stuff like what Tyler did. I can hate my freckles all I want. I can dislike looking a solid 3 years younger than I am. I can dislike that I can't use foundation or concealer because my freckles are so dark that it just makes my skin look mottled.

Thank God you understand. People frequently tell me there's something on my lip because I have a freckle right above my upper lip.

I definitely included "cover them up or have them covered up." Most of the time, you can't see her freckles. Same with Julianne Moore. They have makeup to lighten, if not cover, their freckles. I don't even want to hear about it if you don't have freckles. I'm 21 and sick of hearing people who don't have freckles say

Dear Tyler, You obviously don't have freckles. You don't understand how the media really treats girls with freckles. Um, there are no famous people with freckles. Those that have them, cover them up or have them covered up. Freckles aren't awesome. People who say they love freckles don't get it. People who have 10 on

I think you understood the analogy better than Jenna and a lot of the readers of this article did. While I understand how they're seeing it, my initial thought was that it was like training for a marathon in the amount of devotion you have to give it and how focused you have to be, not in what you eat specifically.

I agree 100% about the make up. And I agree 100% about the fact that she wears ridiculous push up bras.

I think that she's just got so much make up on her face that it looks older. As for her body shape, that is up for debate.

Yeah, we have conversations all the time.

She is so not a melungeon. Melungeons are not the majority of people in Appalachia. I always saw her as the blue collar, white-girl daughter of a coal miner.

I mean, I agree. Mediocre writing is a YA-lit bonerkiller for me. But compared to some of the other books I've read, Suzanne Collins is gold. Compared to others, she's underwhelming. I'd say she's a solid bronze medal YA writer.

I disagree. The writing is great for a book targeted at teens. It's not quite a literary classic, but it's definitely Young Adult gold.

She's from Appalachia. Why shouldn't she be white? Most people here are white.

It would be like if they remade Hair. It just won't work.

Ugh, so clearly you can't recognize a joke-or understand it. Sorry that I love J.K. more than Maya Angelou. (That's an informed opinion, btws, considering I've read more than just I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.) Well, I suppose I'll go back to being an idiot and not worry about trying to seem so intellectual.

Snooki, I love you, you are like a Jersey version of my best friend, but GIRL. I draw the line at not knowing who J.K. Rowling is. Um, only the best author of my lifetime. What a deal breaker. And I thought you were cool.

I have gotten confused for a Kroger employee several times just based on wearing a bright blue shirt. I don't think it's that she's a celebrity being mistaken for a normal person. It's just awkward being asked, "where are..." when you have no idea.