
This was my flight! I was the first class flight attendant. My captain was super accommodating and the other FA and I were trying to be as helpful as possible. It was a short flight—CLT-MYR — and she seemed super cool about it. She just wanted her money back. We could not figure out why she wasn’t just moved to 2A

From a flight attendant:

Uh, yeah. That and the fact that she kept writing "I believe," and other forms of metadiscourse that you don't even NEED. Obviously it's what you believe; you're the one writing it!

My whole senior thesis is basically an extension of your last sentence. Because really. its true.

Not gonna lie, totally noticed that, too. What's with it? It's like Nevaeh here in the South. Why can't she just be Heather?

To me, it's more about the hair. I have super curly hair and would look like early-aughties JT if I cut my hair short.

It made sense. I never expect a tip. I just hope for one from regulars who normally give tips or from customers with orders over $30. The latter usually don't tip, but I don't really get angry about it.


Don't hate us all! Tip baristas if they provide you with a particularly pleasant experience. Sometimes we try to make things special for you, even though we work for the big green giant.

Which is fine and good for her. She probably did have an issue with it. The point I'm trying to make is that because it works for one person, doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

The reason for doing it–because a celebrity did–is a bad call. I tried gluten free because I had stomach issues before finding out it was lactose intolerance, not gluten intolerance. The issue is the reasoning behind the choice, not the choice itself.

I think that she is attacking people who do it because Miley Cyrus began losing weight at the same time she stopped eating gluten. Gluten intolerance is a real thing, even if it isn't Celiac. But gluten free as a diet because it worked for some celebrities is a bad call. It's like milk allergy and lactose intolerance.

+1 for the Judge Judy love, -1 for not reading the article because it was actually interesting.

Just a heads up...Les Mis takes place after the French Revolution. I'm not saying you gotta love it, but if you're going to say you read it, at least get your facts about it straight.

I work at a Starbucks right by the biggest mall in town, and it will be a terrible day. Last year, we opened at midnight and no one working that shift got breaks or even had time to breathe because no one anticipated that so many people would be waiting at the door at 11 p.m. for a venti frappuccino to get their

To give more color to what Laura posted, Debby Jennings is the original Lady Vol sports information director, having started as a graduate assistant and being promoted to full-time and then working for the department for 35+ years. She was an associate athletic director until the departments combined last year. And

You could always go to the waterpark she has now in her home county in East Tennessee. It is absolutely spectacular (and so is the next-door themepark, Dollywood)!

Every time I meet someone new, they ask me where Clyde is. My best responses are that he stays home or he's getting the guns to rob the bank. I'll have to keep these details in mind next time I go with the second option...

Baby polar bears win every time for me. How can you say no???

I don't know if you're internet famous, but one day you told the story of why you had to add the "1," and it still stands out in my mind.