
I go to school here, too! (Is it creepy if I admit that I recognize you from your username/twitter handle?) As much as I dislike Pikes, I dislike UTPD more. I'm not in the Greek system so I don't exactly know how they treat members of fraternities/sororities, but you're right that they really do go on power trips in

Someone read The Cult of True Womanhood and took it a bit too seriously.

It's in like, every pot psychology video. That and the lip gloss.

I like the way you think.

hear, hear! I agree. Everyone keeps talking about how he looks, but no one is thinking about how he'll act.

With a brother who is a pilot who explained the rules to me, electronic devices that have no transmitting signals have a huge effect (more of an effect than cell phone transmitting signals do) on the pilots' radios and their means of communicating with the tower. I understand that she has a disability, and I

Yes, actually. I work in an office with both full-time staff members and graduate assistants. And I don't think she buys into it because she's a girl. I think she just wants to seem like the ideal housewife.

Has anyone else met a girl who said that she understood the wage gap? A co-worker in my office told me that she thought the wage gap was more than acceptable. She thought it was logical.

I didn't even try to think of a joke. I don't see how the housework issue factors into the debate about the wage gap. Majors are relevant because they're the education (theoretically) to make you better at a job. But housework? I can usually handle a joke about women making sandwiches or doing housework (as long as it

What you want is possible in so few things. Just look at the record books. I don't see why this is so hard a concept to grasp.

Look at track and field. Look at the numbers for men. Look at the numbers for women. Are you saying you don't want women to win Olympic medals because Jeter is up against Bolt? And Sonya Richards-Ross is great, but she has no chance of a medal because women and men are on totally different levels in the 400?

Did I mention beauty and femininity? I don't think so. I mentioned physiology. Which is different between men and women.

I don't see how keeping men's and women's competitions separate is diluting sporting accolades.

Because there are physiological differences in men's and women's bodies that cause them to compete at different levels in different events. That's why there are differences in world records and standards for competition. Men perform better in events based on muscle and strength, while women tend to be more flexible

That seems like a fair rule, given the short amount of time that the events take place in and how many there are already. Planning an athletic event, even just in one sport for one day or weekend, is such an undertaking. I can understand why the IOC doesn't want to add much more to their plate.

I work in college athletics, where my school's women's athletics program make the men look foolish, and a coworker actually said to my face that she thought Title IX was a bad idea. And not just from the moral, it-shouldn't-be-all-about-money-balance standpoint. Just that the attempt to make women's athletics

I was mostly talking about press after the USATF Olympic Trials, not after the race this weekend.

Gatlin was only banned once. And I could see not giving them much coverage, but why ignore Tianna? She has a clean record. The press pick up on a person they like and focus on them, regardless of current merit.

I think that most of the press around Lolo started because of her story. She was so dedicated to running when she was younger that she gave up so much, and look how it paid off. She's one of the top athletes in her event. If we're going to talk about favoritism by the media, why not look at how Justin Gatlin was

Best part? She is 22 and not even married. She works in a really demanding field and was getting her masters so she could have a career in it. I don't know why she was even there.