
Oh, stop being grumpy about it. It's kind of a tradition at this point. I mean, who can forget Ray Lewis' famous pre-Super Bowl slay ride?

It's Mark Sanchez's career passer rating in amusement park form!


Toboggan is the fucking worst.

Ok, but dad's gonna be really pissed when he finds out that's how you used his record player.

This Man Crashed His Car Into A Building. You'll Be Amazed At What Comes Next.

The dead one.

NFL Cheerleading Is A Scam

"We can hear you. Clearly."

Richard Sherman Answers Question About Strippers The Best Way Possible

Northwestern? I thought unions were usually made up of skilled laborers.

Sanders dishing out a "get out of jail free" card is only further proof that the NFL owns a monopoly.

Inside a typical, non-descript industrial park, inside a typical, non-descript building, there is a basement. In this basement, there is a room that is usually locked. Outside this room there is a security guard, who is usually breathing and does not usually contain a .38 caliber size hole in his forehead. Inside the

"He can't talk, but he was just smiling a lot and he was just fist pumping. They said as soon as we saw you jump, his face just lit up and he was just fist pumping and stuff so that made it so worth it for me," Torres said.

The Knicks defense, on the other hand, fully supports the new design. It's the only way they can keep the wings covered.

The new head gear has been even less popular among players.

Foreign Tourist: "Why is there exclamation point next to Omaha?"

I figured out the one on the bottom pretty easily. It's big and wide and looks kind of unstable, and then there's the crack.

"Methinks he doth protest too much."

"The whole city is straight. Well, almost." - Marco Filippeschi, Mayor of Pisa

Defense attorneys are working to lower the charge to aggravated breaststroke.