why are you still like this
why are you still like this
This has to be frustrating. Elway has yelled at him so many times that he's nearly horse.
“This is some pretty heavy stuff.”
Plot twist, she already knows and she's sleeping with your dad :o
We all know that feeling—when it’s time to bail out no matter what. It’s being in the airport security line with 29 minutes until your flight and then the diarrhea arrives with the fire of one thousand suns. It was the papa johns, you suddenly realize. Standing there sweating, contemplating the most immediate future,…
Columbia belongs in Are England
You normally get a prize for that kinda time? Because Bofa Deez Nuts finished in just over 20 seconds last week and didn’t get anything but shame and an Uber.
If you’re depending on injured players to do something to win you a football game, you’re doing it wrong.
The 49ers became sold on his ability to recruit personnel after reading on his resume that he spent 15 years working as a headhunter.
In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.
Because Hillary Clinton personally kicked in Bernie Sanders’s teeth in the primary, winning by 4 million votes.
Mark Sanchez has studied this photo for several hours. And that was before he knew there was a question about missing legs.
I think Curt Schilling should be in the hall, too—the hall of great big buttheads!
Yea well Superman never lost to an FCS team at home
Josh Norman is just celebrating a rich history of being a culturally appropriating douchebag playing for Washington.
Title Nein
[2026, a high school auditorium full of bored kids]
HEY! That Caldwell-in-a-lampshade bit is OUR thing!