Well, it's a more subtle trap than last week's poll:
Well, it's a more subtle trap than last week's poll:
The Mean Things They're Saying About Our Hall of Fame Ballot
Listen, I’m a rules guy too. But technically there aren’t any rules against turning over your Hall of Fame vote to the fans. And quite frankly it made the whole voting process a lot more exciting. Look at all the attention the Hall of Fame is getting right now. If somewhere down the road they change the rules and…
Jesus, Dan really burned a lot of bridges yesterday. Thankfully, those bridges had already been closed by Chris Christie.
Great catch. Total boner on my part.
Seriously though, I'd gladly pay $10 a month for an independent Poe's Law commission that tells me which comments are dumb and which comments are smart satire.
Despite Lebron's singing not being the least bit sexy, he can still expect to get all the whistles.
Someone explain this to me: Rule 4C for induction into the HoF states "Any candidate receiving votes on seventy-five percent (75%) of the ballots cast shall be elected to membership in the National Baseball Hall of Fame." (http://baseballhall.org/hall-famers/ru…)
What a great performance by LeBatard, but his Deadspin HOF candidacy is tainted by the era in which he works at ESPN.
"Martin Tyler is out. "
Raptor: Hey Lopez! What's it like having a girlie-name?!?
Silly Robin. The Raptors got a bull. The T-Rex got the goat.
For one of the "smarter . . . guys in the league," you'd think Lopez would know that Bosh is on Miami now.
Sure, this might seem like a stunning confession, but I guarantee you, five minutes from now it'll be like nothing happened at all.
No, I watch Japanese Bukakke on Pornhub, and what happened was, the Lesbian sex took place in my mind and basically I wrote that to get the 13 likes, which will be like 25 by tomorrow and thus fulfill my fading self esteem. And, I love you.
Also taken: Kris Humphries' original choice, SHE HATE ME.
Birdman isn't copyright infringement? He's an attorney, he should be all over this.
The NBAers lost the game, because they'd like to return home,
Gross. The last thing the HoF needs is four new dicks.
"My name is Joan and I loved Bedazzed."