You guys missed the really cool part of this story: That little girl is the first fan to get a ball and a finger in the same game since Mordecai Brown retired.
You guys missed the really cool part of this story: That little girl is the first fan to get a ball and a finger in the same game since Mordecai Brown retired.
Darren Sharper Tailor Goes The Suit-Shaming Route
Well, what the hell good is that going to do him? The enemy gate is down.
Guys, do we really need dozens of comments pointing out the flaws and inaccuracies in this drawing? It's obviously just a ballpark.
Tony LaRussa once thought he got a bad burger at the Shack, but it was really just the shakes.
Friends with Impermissible Benefits
Credit where credit is due: No one obtains assets by being very, very bad like Jimmy Haslam.
The trip did get off to a pretty slow start, though, on account of Hibbert taking nearly half an hour to find the net.
For the last time, we are not calling it slapstick.
Christ, Tulo's even worse at Sudoku than I am.
Oh, come on! Just give the ball to the child! And his baby!
To be fair, blowing things up would certainly clear up that choking problem.
Jeez, Billy, don't tell me you just found out about Creationists?
You'll have to ask Puck Frinters.
While it seems unlikely now that Mr. Blatterfein will ever open his bar, the lawsuit was nevertheless hailed as an important symbolic victory by city government reform advocate Buck Fureaucraticmistreatmentofaspiringsmallbusinessowners.