
I can't take Pistorius's side in this one. I loved End of Watch.

"It's called Air Blade. It's about a champion sprinter, but get this: He has four artificial legs and is a golden retriever!"

One day to my surprise I opened up a box and the first wafer I pulled out was this (attached).

Which one of you is best?

Muema tried to buy a ticket, but all the seats had been purchased by an omnipresent deity.


"And I will continue to think it's a good rule until the Eagles install a protective fence."



Shunned by society, treated as a scapegoat, forced to live in the shadows... is it any wonder he wants his very own batmobile?

I assume the people responsible redshirted the car because they don't expect it to start.

Wait until the photographer finds out where they took their shits.

"With the fourth overall pick, the Cleveland Brown select... Colt Lyerla, tight end, Oregon?... paperclipped to a presidential pardon for Jimmy Haslam??"



Ceci n'est pas un but.

Thanks again, Kerry. Whatever you do, don't pick two first names. No one wants to hire Brian Russell.

That's a great point. Thanks, Kerry.

In light of the Dolphins bullying scandal, there's been a lot of discussion about the best way for teams to enforce appropriate boundaries. With that in mind, can you tell us about your experience with Arizona's controversial immigration laws?

Kerry, there's a lot of research showing that people with "black-sounding" names can have a harder time finding jobs. Do you think maybe you've had similar difficulty because you have a girl's name?