They had to push the trolley because they couldn't get it out of neutral.
They had to push the trolley because they couldn't get it out of neutral.
or someone thought that running out a forgotten one-hit wonder with a pseudo-pornographic act would quiet down all that global criticism of institutionalized anti-gay hatred, and by the way, if this is the case, boy have I got a PR opportunity for you. Call me!
Feel free to come back to this post later tonight, when you're, like, super high.
"Bored senseless"? Drew, don't tell me you're buying the NFL's diagnosis of Herschel Walker.
Notice to Athletes
(Not sure what happened here; unfortunately Kinja, like Sochi, often makes it impossible not to make a mess.)
I wouldn't call him "brave,"
This may be law-abiding behavior in America, but in Russia you'd see prison time for a pussy riot.
As a Union fan, I really wish William Sherman had burned more cotton gins.
Even if Miller is correct that the award ought to go to the player who did the most to carry a team of bad players, the quarterback he's looking for is not Tom Brady, it's Philip Rivers, who performed much better with comparable offensive talent and an awful, awful defense.
I probably can't claim to know exactly how you guys feel today, but the last thirty minutes sure felt like a month to me.
Orange States, Ranked
I don't get it. If Wyllie wanted to present the media with a dump, why didn't he just invite them to tour FedEx Field?
A certain ignorant segment of America is already quick to brand black athletes
Whoa. +1
She's just bitter about having to be at the base of the 3 high pyramid scheme.